Chicago! Chicago!

Aug 27, 2007 13:20

So I've got quite a few pictures of the architecture of Chicago that I'm going to break up across a few different posts, because I had to decide between putting up one post that (though behind a break) would take ten years to load or being one of those people who posts like, ten different things in one day so they're the only one who shows on your Flist page.

So, I decided to be one of the annoying people. :D

But before that, I just have to say that this year was, hands-down, the single *best* Chicago convention to date. And though the con itself was great and the guests were amazing (Jay Acovone is truly, truly a wonderful, friendly and personable man)... it was, by far, the people like me, like us, the "real" people who were there who made these four of the best days of my life.

So I'm going to do a stupid thing now, and I'm going to attempt to list by name everyone who made this con so special for me. I'm going to start at the beginning of the day on Thursday and go through, and I'm going to do my damndest not to leave anyone out.

Sue, Ann, Rnee, Lyn, Heather, Barb, Nancy, Nikki, Mare, Michael (you guys... oh my God, I can't even begin to describe how amazing and wonderful and just... everything... each and everyone one of you is), Kerri (she of the amazing talent both dancing and vidding), Erin (just one of the most coolest all-around people ever), Nikki (the one that looks like Susan Sarandon), Melinda (who didn't get stranded in St. Louis), Ray (woman, YOU JUST KICK ASS!), Kashi (and I know you told me your real name, and I'm sorry I didn't ever use it, but Kashi is just such a cool name), Hillary (I loved your hair), Meelo (and God I hope I spelled that right), Justin (and why the hell did I think your name was Matt? But anyway, I *love* your accent!), Dana/Sara (don't let her fool you - yes, she IS that geeky IRL), Michelle (you really got that for $130?!), Kristen (and why *is* all the rum gone?), Fuzzy (you're right; it is easier to say), LuAnn (you *are* as young as the morning was), Mr. LuAnn (actually, I don't think I ever heard anyone say your name...), PlayItGrand, sg1fanatic (I really should have asked you guys your real names and wish we'd had time to talk a lot more, but the "big" bossman beckoned), Jules (OMG! You got the ruffle!), Kat (you're gonna be an amazing vidder some day), nice lady on the left of Pepper's seat (Julie had *so* never seen that poster before), nice lady on the right of Pepper's seat (you have style and class that just won't stop), nice lady in front of Pepper (has the buzz worn off yet?), NiceTallManWithBigCamera who was married to the nice lady in front (did it fit above the bed?), and last but never least, my beloved Pepper (sorry, no cute parenthetical for you :).

And everyone else... just... everyone. Everyone who sat in the lobby talking with me, everyone who came to the parties and just sat around have a great time, everyone who stepped outside to smoke, everyone who bummed me a light after I lost mine, everyone I chatted with in the autograph line (Tammy, Codger... you guys are great)... just pretty basically everyone who was there (with only one known exception) - YOU GUYS ROCK!

And I thank you all for what has been, and will remain, one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had.

chicon: sg1

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