I don't know what to title this one

Apr 18, 2007 17:35


Apparently, I've gone and gotten myself a... something... on the official site. Check out the comments from .StargateCommandCenter. and AmyStargateGirl. I have no clue what they're talking about. I've never made a video using "the DISCO version of STAR WARS music". I do have that CD, though. It's by a group called MECO, and it's fun to listen to every now and then.

.StargateCommandCenter. has been a member of the site for less than a month, and for the most part, he's spent all of his time hanging out on the Support page, pretending to know something about how the site is run. At first, he did a halfway decent job of pretending to actually be one of the webmasters. Now, he mostly just sits there pretending to know everything about everything and taking pot-shots at them.

Unless he's announcing "breaking" news from December or trying to convince people that he's got some kind of "inside track" with MGM.

How did I grab his attention, you may ask. Well, I'll tell you... I said that Firefox works just fine with the site and that calling IE a "safer" anything was hysterical. That's it. That's all I did. And he and his little pet socks have been making insulting comments to and about me ever since.

They are mildly entertaining, but I've seen much better trolls. They're good for a giggle; I'll give them that much.

rant: idiocy and you, rant: sg1 community site

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