We interrupt your regularly scheduled Stargate-ing...

Dec 30, 2006 00:27

... for this special announcement.

This past week has taught me a lot. In general, it's taught me a lot of things I knew before that I just didn't want to admit I knew, but in thinking back over things now, I really can't ignore it any more.

1. No matter what the name of the company - SciFi Channel, MGM, Bridge Studios - the truth is that fandom is not composed of people in their eyes. We aren't people. We're numbers. More than that, we're dollar signs. And there's not a one of them that wouldn't trade their grandmothers for another almighty dollar. So where exactly do we rank on their compassion radar? Figure it out.

2. This fandom can never be unified. Ever. Period. Even when a vast percentage of us *think* we're all fighting for the same thing. It's not possible now, and it's never going to be possible, mainly because ... well ... to be blunt, folks, shit floats. So if you want to find those members of *fandom* most willing to trade their grandmothers for just the chance to make a "name" for themselves ... look at the top first. Look at our "leaders" in this grand scheme we've all just been part of. We can never unite because they will always be there to take advantage of it when we try.

3. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of the fighting, and the stealing, and the backstabbing, and the oneupsmanship that rules this fandom and that has, quite frankly, since the first day I set foot in it.

4. When dissatisfaction and feelings of betrayal at your fellow fans reach the point where you can no longer stand to be associated with the majority of them, passion for the show will soon fade. Just a few weeks ago, I cranked out four vids in under a month - something that is almost unheard of for me. But I was so enthused for the direction the "grand campaign" was going, I fell for all of MGM's "We're here for you!" bullshit, and I felt so excited about the future of the show for the first time in so long. There's an eight minute long "epic" retrospective vid done to the full theme from Star Wars, there's my abysmally failed MGM/GCBMe contest vid, there's a Jack and Daniel friendship vid to Blue October's "Hate Me," and there's a Daniel/Vala/Memento Mori vid to Nickelback's "Far Away."

I don't know what I'm going to do with those vids, btw. The Star Wars one has several edits that need to be done, and the Hate Me vid has been beta'd but not re-edited by me at all yet. The D/V/MM vid is actually done, final edits and all - as is the contest vid, obviously - and in the "already finished but not yet released" category with them is the Eminem/Ba'al vid from the fall convention circuit.


Maybe I'll release them, maybe I won't. I honestly don't know. And at this point, figuring that they're going to be posted around the entire internet without me knowing about them, without anyone knowing I made them, or maybe with my name removed from them completely so some snot-nosed little fifteen year old shithead can claim he made it ... I don't know what the point in making them any more even is.

So, anyway ... I'm taking a break from fandom for a while, I guess. Not all fandoms, just the Stargate one, and not my friends, because I'll still be around OS and I'll still be here, and my IM is always on ... but no more "Go Stargate!" crap. There is no hope for another season, there never was, and I'm as angry at the people trying to keep the shit stirred by vowing to "never give up, come to our site!" as I am at the ones who orchestrated the bullshit SaveStargateSG1 campaign in the first place.

So don't be surprised if you stop by here in a few days and see Cloud Strife and Tifa Lockhart in the header instead of Daniel and Vala. And don't be surprised if the next vid you see me announce here is FF VII: AC instead of Stargate.

rant: fandom, fandom: stargate sg1

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