God damn it, LJ, give me back my fucking icons!!!!

May 31, 2012 14:09


Yeah, that has nothing to do with anything, and I'm not getting them back until I pay for them, which I ain't doing, so... (but if I do cave, and I do spend that $20 to get my icons back, don't you judge me for it...)


So I'm writing a Dark Angel fic, right? And I think I've got a hell of a plot thought up. It's one that I know I haven't seen anywhere, and I think I can do some things that no one's ever done before. I've just got this small problem, you see.

The Eyes Only Dossier is awesome. I know it's not even remotely canon, but I don't really care, because there are some awesome ideas for plots in here. And I've gotten myself one. See, Logan did a whole bunch of research on the X5Rs after the pope was murdered by one of them (by Zack's twin brother, Lane). And I mean, there's a lot of research in here. Like, disciplinary action and memos and service records and serial numbers.

At the end of the section, Logan says, "Which leaves on the X5Rs themselves. Devon, Keema, and Jewel." (Lane was already dead.) But this is wrong! There weren't 4 X5Rs; there were 7. And their names were Lane, Devon, Keema, Jewel, Jace, Sam, and Alec! (On a whole other note, no, his name wasn't Alec. All of the others have names, though, and so would he. Whether or not he remembers what his name was is a whole other thing...)


Earlier in this part, Logan says, "I questioned as many of the transgenics I knew as possible, asking them about X5Rs. None of them knew a thing - not the X-series soldiers, not Mole, not any of the refugees holed up in Terminal City."


You really expect me to believe that Alec didn't know there's an R in his serial number? Or that Logan never once noticed how many times the number X5R-494 shows up in these records? How many disciplinary reports he had on him? Logan knows more about Alec's training that Alec probably does, for God's sake, and he never once mentions in here that he's one of these "elusive" X5Rs?


fandom: dark angel, randomness

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