I need prompts!!!! Specifically, I need Dark Angel promptage. As it sits right now, I'm opening the DA Big Bang in a little over six hours, and I don't even know if I'm going to write for it. I've got nothing. HALP!
Anything you've got (except Max/Alec because I can't write it for shit). Throw it at me! Gen, Alec/Asha (them I can write), Logan/Alec (getting pretty good at these two, too), whatever. Don't care.
Oh, and if you've got more than one, or if I can't write your prompt, please please please drop it
hsapiens, if you see this - I'm finishing Towering Inferno. And I'm going to promote the hell out of the beautiful, gorgeous art you made for it, because that art, and you, are the only reason I haven't given up completely yet.