I've been studying writing a lot lately. Well, I mean, obviously I have been, what with being a writing major and all, and what with finishing that pesky damn BA in October and starting that elusive damn MA next January. But I mean the actual business of it, checking out magazines that accept unsolicited manuscripts and getting a membership to the Writer's Market and all that. And there's a lot of advice in these places I've been hanging. Some of it's good, most of it's bad, and there's some that's even worse. But one of the pieces of advice I've seen repeated over and over again is, "Stop planning and just do it. Decide you want to do it, and just do it."
So, this is me, publicly declaring that this year, I'm just gonna fucking do it.
I'm gonna write a fucking novel or two.
And I'm gonna get those bastards published. The right way. No shortcuts.
Just watch me. :)
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