I seem to have developed this bizarre talent

Aug 10, 2011 00:23

I think I'm a wank magnet.

First, there was the incident the other night - I'm feeling much better about the whole thing, thanks in large part to my incredibly supportive friends, so thank you guys, all of you - where telling someone that there were poor people who weren't offended by the same things she was blew up in my face and all over an sf_d post with rather disastrous consequences for everyone involved (up to and including the person I was talking to, who at some point deleted every comment she made in that post).

Now, apparently I've managed to either "through off", rub the wrong way, make uncomfortable, or trigger (depending on which comment you're reading at the time) someone by saying that someone's "communication skills are horrible."


That is legit my face right now. And it has been ever since this first started about nine hours ago.

As I said in the post in question, though, there is a silver lining. I have finally figured out what the fuck "bemused" actually means, and I will never use it incorrectly again.

randomness, rant: what the ever-living fuck?

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