"Business Consulants" (or fat-ass know-nothing blowhards...)

Jul 10, 2006 20:12

I hate them.

Specifically, I hate the ones that go around, charging $100 just to leave their desks.

Even more specifically, I hate the ones that charge my employers a buttload of money to spend four weeks doing what I could have done in an hour, and who still can't do it right.

So there's this guy... we'll call him "Stewie." (No, that's not his name... but Stewie just happens to be my favorite "evil people" name ever, so, I'm going to call him Stewie.)

Stewie is what we call (or rather, what he calls) a "Business Consultant." What does this mean? Well, according to one of my boys (that's what I call the guys I work with, since there are only two of them... one that's ten years or so younger than me and one I've known since I was ten)... anyway, according to one of my boys, a "Business Consultant" is apparently someone who gets paid a shitload of money to walk around talking about what he's going to do without ever actually doing it.


Anway... way back when, at my job interview, I mentioned that I was more than familiar with computer networking, having set up seven of the them now, and having adminstrated three. BossMan said, and I quote, "Oh, that's great! You'll be able to help us set our network up, then. Do you know anything about encryption?"

This is where I screwed up, folks. Rather than asking him to clarify what he meant by encryption, I simply answered, "No, I've never dealt with encryption before."

But see... that is total bullshit. Because all he meant by "encryption" was that he wanted our network secure from outside accesss! Oh, hell yes I'm familiar with encryption! You can't run even a basic network on SBC without it, because it's built in by default.

Stupid me for not asking BossMan to clarify, because I think by giving him the answer that I gave, I screwed myself right into the position that I'm bitching about right now.

So... almost a month ago, in waltzes Stewie. He's our Business Consultant. He's the guy that BossMan hired to set up the network.

Come to find out (in bits and pieces over the following few days)... he's also the guy that told BossMan that if he wanted each computer behind the router to have a static IP address, he'd have to buy them from SBC. End result? BossMan now owns five static IPs... and he only needed one. (See, if they'd asked me before they placed the order, I'd have told them that the machines behind the router can be set to local static IPs for free... but no one asked me...)

He's also the guy that talked BossMan into buying ten (count them, 10) wireless network cards to be used on seven (yes, count them, 7) computers. (What we're gonna do with those other three, I have no idea...)

He's also the guy that told BossMan he had to buy a LinkSys wireless router, because the modem he'd get from SBC wouldn't support wireless networking. (Smell that, folks? That's the lovely aroma of bullshit! Either that, or the three wireless laptops and one wireless desktop that are joined into my home network at any given time, using the same damn modem that we have at work, are just figments of my imagination... which would also mean that anyone who's ever had a conversation with me over one of those impossible, non-existent, unsupported wireless connections has also been hallucinating... which would also mean that you're hallucinating right now because it's not possible for me to be posting this on this connection, because it can't exist...)

He's also the guy that couldn't figure out how to get the LinkSys and the 2Wire to talk to each other (hint, hint, hint... if you call SBC and ask them, they'll tell you that it's impossible, because LinkSys and 2Wire are both proprietary and don't like talking to each other... the tech guy I talked to when I set up my old network told me that my configuration wouldn't work at all, even though it did, perfectly. More of that mass hallucination stuff, there, because I was on that network for damn near a year...)

He's also the guy that brought in his little pet geek (cute little guy... Coke bottle glasses, greasy black hair, more zits than a thirteen-year-old boy with long hair...) to set the network up (this after Stewie himself had spent roughly ten hours over two days trying to do it and had failed). The little pet geek couldn't do it either, though, despite the two or three hours that he spent on the phone with SBC being told that what he was trying to do was next to impossible.

So, after three days of constant "work," we still had no network to speak of, and I was still shuffling files back and forth between my two machines with CDs, transfering files from BossLady's machine with CDs, and huffing files out to the router machine with floppies.

I did mention to BossMan that I could do it. With the network configuration he was wanting, I could set it up, and it would take less than two hours. I wanted to appeal to his sense of finances... he could pay me my hourly wage to get it done in two hours (and I overestimated, to compensate for any problems that might arise), or he could keep paying Stewie some ungodly fee to have him and his pet geek do nothing for three fucking days.

BossMan's answer made a lot of sense - it did. He wanted to have one person to yell at if the network didn't work - he wanted that person to be Stewie. I have enough responsbilities as it is without adding Network Administrator to my list of duties, and it was a decision that he'd made a week before he even met me.


So, Stewie and the pet geek came back the next day.

Two hours later, BossLady comes in and sits down in the chair next to my desk and says, "Stewie wants to know where the book the SBC guy left is."

I look back at her, and I say, (trying my damndest to keep a straight face) "There is no book. There's a box with the password written on it. That's all he needs."

BossLady says to me, (so not keeping a straight face) "Why didn't he leave a book?"

And I answer, (grinning my ass off) "Because the SBC guy thought he was leaving someone who knew what they were doing in charge." (Namely - me. I was there when the DSL was hooked up, not good ol' Stewie. I knew more about networking than said DSL guy did, and he admitted that in front of BossLady. SBC guy thought that I'd be the one setting everything up, since I obviously knew of what I spoke. But anyway...)

So... this conversation about the book vs. the box was on Wednesday. By Monday morning (Yes, folks, a full week after Stewie started), we had a half-ass functional network. By "half-ass" I mean "semi-functional, insecure, piece of shit." I didn't have permissions to write from one computer to another (in my own fucking office and to and from my own fucking computers, mind you), but I could have deleted BossLady's entire C: drive if I wanted to. Why? Because even though I couldn't save files to my own fucking hard drive, I did have permissions to delete as many of hers as I felt like...


I've made mention, more than once, of the utter stupidity of us having read/write/execute permissions to each other's C: drives... I mean, what if we hire some moron who doesn't realize he/she's on someone else's harddrive and goes deleting shit? Surely they have to realize that the entire company could be brought to a screeching fucking halt by one moron with network access?

So anyway, for a week and a half, we limp along on our half-ass network. I'm still huffing files to the router on floppy, because Stewie hasn't bothered to take the ten minutes it would take to install the damn wireless card on it, but oh well... and, oh yeah!, I still can't write from one drive to the other, so I'm still having to use CDs in my office, but hey... BossMan and BossLady have internet access, so that means everything's just great, right?

2:00 Thursday afternoon - the internet goes down for no particular reason. The broadband link on the 2Wire is green, so the signal is getting to the modem... and the internet light is it on the router, which means the signal is getting to the LinkSys, but it's not going any further. Okay, fine. Well, BossMan said he doesn't want me involved in the network at all (even though by this point, BossLady has been asking me a hundred questions a day and dropping little "hints" for Stewie where she could, so I think she knows exactly what I could do if BossMan would just let me...), so even though I know I could fix it in about ten seconds, I don't even offer. I look at BossLady, smile, shrug, and say, "It's killing me to say this, but I can't help you."

The UPS man is coming at 2:30. We've got a job ready to ship that she doesn't have a label for, and we're already two days past deadline for delivery. She's going absolutely insane, and if she doesn't get the internet back, she's going to have to make a 70 mile round-trip to the nearest FedEx station.

Finally, she looks up at me and says, "Please, go check and see if the internet is working. You know how to do that, don't you?" And she winks at me.

So I fix it. And she hands the package to the UPS man with a label she printed off about thirty seconds before he pulled up.

What did I do? I pushed the reset button on the LinkSys. At 2:20pm on Thursday afternoon.

All day Friday, we had network (such as it was) and they had their internet.

All day Saturday, and Sunday. And part of this morning.

And then, while I was sitting in my office doing my job, which has absolutely nothing to do with the network (because the network never has worked in my office, the stupid piece of shit), the entire thing goes down. No network, no internet... nothing.

Guess who shows up? My favorite guy in the world, little Mr. Stewie.

And as I'm walking toward BossLady's office to hand her back some paperwork and tell her that I'm leaving for lunch, I hear Mr. Stewie going on and on and on...

"Anyone with any amount of networking knowledge..." "Anyone who's ever touched a router..." "Anyone who knows anything about computers..." "She should never have done that. You should never have let her do that..."

And I hear BossLady saying, "She does know what she's... No, I know she's touched a... Oh, she knows more about computers than... I told her to do that!"

I take a deep, deep breath (gotta love that Yoga I've been doing...), and step in front of the glassless window (which is to say that the hole's been cut but there's no glass in it yet) and announce my prescence by saying, "BossLady (no, I don't call her BossLady... well, sometimes I do, but mostly I call her by her name which I'm not going to use here), I need to go get Max." (my dog, he had surgery this weekend, and she knew I was taking my lunch early to pick him up)

Ol' Mr. Stewie doesn't miss a beat, I'll tell ya. He wipes his grubby little hand right across his sweaty bald-ass head and yells (yes, ladies and germs, the man yelled at me), "You don't ever touch that...!"

BossLady raised her hand and cut him off, for which he should be eternally grateful... because if he'd kept going, and if he'd finished that sentence, I was coming through that window (thank God there's no glass in it yet) and telling Ol' Mr. Stewie just exactly what I think of him, people like him, his entire profession, his paternity, and his dog - and I don't even know if he has a dog!

I've got fire shooting out of my eyeballs at this point, I swear to God. I'm amazed my glasses didn't actually melt. But I take another deep breath (yeah, that Yoga ain't doin' shit at this point), and I say, "I'll be back in half an hour." And I turn, and walk oh-so-carefully out the door, ignoring the fact that I'm shaking so hard I'm about to fall over, and I sedately and calmly climb into my truck...

...and throw so many rocks on my way out of the parking lot that I'm amazed I didn't ding the metal shed behind us.

It wasn't until two blocks later that I realized I couldn't actually see where I was going.

Let that be a lesson to everyone out there. You want to piss me off good and proper? Talk down to me like I'm an idiot, and let me catch you trying to convince my employers that I'm a lying, incompetent moron.

I hate that man!

Yes, resetting a router is something that the techs will tell you not to do. They'll tell you that it resets everything to factory configuration immediately. And for someone whose entire networking knowledge has (seemingly) come from the techs on the phone, yes, touching it is a bad thing.


Anyone who has ever actually used one realizes that it doesn't always reset everything immediately. The internal switches don't clear like they're supposed to... if you do it fast enough. It's the same as a computer. You can hit the power button really quick, and the computer will restart without even doing a scandisk, but if you hold the power button until you hear the "click" inside (about ten seconds, as it turns out), you reset all of the internal switches and clear out the memory. Routers are the exact same way. I don't know if it's a glitch or if they're designed that way but they don't want people to know about it, but believe me... I hit the "reset" switch on the back of my LinkSys router enough times without ever having to reconfigure the entire thing to know for a fact that a properly configured network will not be brought to its kness by one press of a button.

And if this router had been different? If this router had reset everything to the factory defaults the second that switch was pressed?

The network would have gone down at 2:21pm Thursday, not at 8:30 this morning!

There is no fucking way that me pressing that button five days ago is in any way even marginally responsible for what happened this morning. And how anyone with half a brain in their head can even think that is so completely beyond me...


The good news is, it's beyond BossLady, too. I don't think she likes Stewie much either... but then again, she's the one who signs his checks, so she knows (better than I do) just exactly how much they've paid him to do absolute jackshit in the past three weeks.

Oh, yeah... Stewie did "fix" the network problems this afternoon.

I can now write from one computer to the other in my office... of course, I can still delete BossLady's entire harddrive with one press of a button, and I still can't send files to the router because he still hasn't taken the ten minutes required to install the damn network card... oh, yeah, and our entire network is open now, too, because instead of taking the LinkSys entirely out of the equation and letting Windows and the 2Wire manage the network (as they do so easily together), and spending the money on the Parental Controls that would let them lock out computers they don't want on the internet (instead of spending it on four static IP addresses we're never gonna use)... Ol' Stewie decided to take the 2Wire out of the network entirely, thereby giving everyone in the building internet access, and giving it to everyone who decides to walk or drive or live within 300 feet of the building while he was at it too!

So much for that encryption that BossMan wanted so badly, eh?

And this is the guy they're paying massive amounts of money just to drag his fat ass out of his desk chair and grace us with his prescence. This is the guy that talks down to me and tries to tell my bosses what an incompetent moron I am.

He's had four fucking weeks to get this thing working, and he still hasn't done it. And I could still do it in under two hours, no matter how fucked up it is right now.


You know what sucks the worst? Knowing what I know, and knowing how to do it right, and having to sit back and watch this moron fuck it up at every turn and having to keep my mouth shut. BossLady says that it doesn't matter, don't listen to him, that she doesn't listen to him, and that she's the one that signs my checks... but it really doesn't make it any better.

I want this company to do well. I want this company to work. We need this network, and I could get it up and running without so much as a fucking burp and I can't do it, and it's driving me insane!

And oh yeah... I really don't like Ol' Stewie...

rant: work sucks, reality bytes, rant: real life (gasp!)

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