Stuff, stuff, and more stuff

Nov 25, 2010 18:57

1. Yes, the anniversary was fun. Thanks to everyone for the congratulations, hugs, and advice which may or may not have been inappropriate (but no less welcomed) and may or may not have been followed. ;)

2. Thanksgiving is a conspiracy designed to result in people's stomachs spontaneously exploding from the inside out, all by their own hand, so no one can be sued for it.

3. Black Friday is a disgusting idea that really should be outlawed. Five hundred people are going to stand in line for five hours on the off-chance that they might get one of the thirty televisions WalMart has for $98, or one of the thirty laptops for $189? People are murdered over this shit, every single year. Shot to death standing in line for a PlayStation or suffocated against the door in a stampede for an X-Box. If any other industry in the country incited their customers to kill each other one day every year, they'd be shut down and slapped with so many fines they'd go out of business the next day. WalMart does it, it's a national holiday or something. I really don't fucking get it.

4. I don't get reality TV. I don't understand the appeal of watching people make asses of themselves on purpose. I feel sorry for people who are willing to sacrifice their self-respect for a chance at fame.

5. I understand "reality LiveJournal" even less.

6. Jensen Ackles is too beautiful to be human. No, seriously. Look at my icon. Look at this and this and this and this and this and... UNF! Nuff said.

7. I'm going to fail at NaNo this year, just like I do every year. But by the end of December, I will have the first four chapters of a novel both written and edited (by my writing teacher, anyway). I'm thinking maybe I'll finish writing it next year.

8. I hate FoxNews with the passion of a thousand burning cases of syphilis. So why do I keep going there to find out what's going on in the world? No matter what's happening, their reporting is the exact same. It never changes.
a. War is glorious and wonderful
b. The world is going to hell (and none of it's our fault)
c. People suck (unless they're Republicans)
d. It's all Barack Obama's fault

9. One of these days, I will invent some really kickass, "can't live without it" gadget before someone else does. Like the self-cleaning litterbox. Or the shammie on a stick that can reach that corner between your dashboard and the windshield. Or the cutter/seeder/peeler/julienner/juicer/television/radio. And I'll hock it in half-hour long commercials on TVLand at 4am, and I'll make bazillions.

10. I love you guys. And there's not a day goes by that I don't think about how lucky I am to have every single one of you in my life, and how incredibly grateful I am that you think my boring life and boring self is worth hanging out with.

randomness, friends: thank you

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