I haz theory nao

Oct 23, 2010 14:57

I'm going into this post with the following disclaimer: while I understand, appreciate, and agree that Dean is "pretty," Sam is fucking gorgeous through this entire episode. Please to not be distracted by the gorgeousness.

So, I'm watching Twihard, and like everyone else, I'm seriously shocked at Sam's behavior. And I'm trying to process it and figure out what's going on with him. And the logical way to go about doing this is to, of course, watch it again.

At which point I notice these reactions, in progression, during Dean's turning:

Sam's initial gut reaction to seeing the vamp all up in Dean's space:

Sam's initial gut reaction to realizing what that vamp was doing all up in Dean's space:

Then, there's a beat, a few seconds where the camera is focused on Dean and Boris, and we only see Sam in the background. The next time we see Sam's face, he's standing stock still, doing this:

Then there's the fake "NO!", what looks like a real fight, and Sam looking down at Dean on the ground, like this:

Now, as I look over these four caps, I see two emotions, in the following order: fear, fear, whatever the fuck that is, and fear.

Those first two reactions are what we expect from Sam (or from Dean, in the reverse situation). His brother is being threatened, he gets scared, he kicks some ass and saves him, yes? So, the reaction is right. The problem is that third reaction sitting there where there should be action. Sam should be charging Boris at that point. Sam should be screaming his head off and swinging for the upper decks with that machete, but he's not. And what makes it even worse, of course, is that that third reaction is completely opposite and flies in the face of everything that makes Sam Sam.

So, there was fear. There was a rush to save Dean. Then he stopped. Then the rush to save Dean came back, followed by the fear when he realized what had happened.

My theory? I don't think Sam is evil. I don't think Sam is soulless. I don't think Sam is possessed or stuck in hell while a demon walks around in his skin.

I think Sam's split in half: the Sam we know (the one whose initial reaction was fear) and the Sam we don't (the one who just stood there and watched). Now, are those two halves both "Sam," or has he got someone/something else along for the ride? I don't know yet. But I do think that the real Sam, our Sam, is still there, somewhere. I think we see him every now and then.

Sam trying to decide if that's really Dean or the vampire that's taken his place:

Sam thinking that it really is a vampire and that he's going to have to kill Dean:

Now, because of this little theory of mine, I also don't think Sam was lying when he told Samuel he didn't know about the cure. I think Samuel had that conversation with Sam, sure, but I don't think he had it with this Sam:

Sam's "What?" after "finding out" there's a cure:

Sam's "No, you didn't tell me about it," when Samuel insists he did:

Sam's "You think I could do that to my own brother?":

So, in conclusion: I think Sam's gonna turn out to be okay in the end, and I think he's gonna feel like 1000 pieces of shit for the things he's done, but I really honestly think we're gonna find out that it's not really "him" who's doing it.

fandom: supernatural, squees and other fangirly noises

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