That college thing again

Sep 14, 2010 10:04

Or... I have a feeling this icon is going to get a lot of usage in the next seven weeks.

1. It's a discussion board, people. Stop citing the damn book at me! The assignment was only five pages long, I read it too, and following every sentence with (publisher, page number) doesn't make you look smart. It makes you look like a pathetic brown-noser.
2. The existence of different forms of communication and writing styles specific to them is not mutilating the English language; it's evolving it. Stop and think about what the Greeks and Romans probably thought about what we did to their languages (hell, throw in Spaniards, Germans, the French, and everyone else on the planet while you're at it). And have you ever listened to a Brit bitch about the way Americans have bastardized the Queen's English?
3. Having a different opinion than you doesn't make me an uneducated hick that you need to "school," kiddies. Get off your "I'm twenty and I know everything" horse and listen for a second. You just might realize that there is more than one right answer - the trick is whether or not I can back up what I believe.
4. It's a language course, not a lit class. Stop throwing obscure writers and 100+ year old books at me like you just assume that I've read them because, of course, everyone has. You tell me Thomas Harris suffered from not using traditional grammar? Great. I'm going to come right back with how much success Stephen King has had doing the same, and how much better a writer Dan Brown would be if his character voices and narrative didn't sound like they were written by a robot.
5. If you're going to insist that absolutely perfect grammar is required for successful communication, then start fucking using it yourself!


It's so damn hard to keep myself from snarking at these people. I mean, right now, I've stopped thinking that the instructor is an elitist asshat, because she asked everyone the same sarcastically-toned questions that she asked me. I think she's just pushing us to back our opinions up, no matter what they are, and that's fine. That's what she's supposed to do.

But the other students? The ones who keep slamming on me for saying that perfect grammar isn't required to express yourself - without noticing that I'm understanding them just fine despite their inability to use punctuation, capitalization, or a fucking spellcheck? Them I just wanna smack.

rant: people are stupid, rant: writing and stuff, stuff: college life

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