And now for some actual fannish stuff

May 09, 2010 22:07

I managed to blink and miss the spn_j2_bigbang reveal posts and master list this morning, so just so everyone knows, this is me:

Behind a cut just in case )

fandom: supernatural, bigbang: spn j2

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Comments 17

13chapters May 10 2010, 03:16:15 UTC
OMG this looks so cool! I looooove casefic! Everyone needs to write more! (I know why they don't, though, it's hard.) I am totally looking forward to this.


brihana25 May 10 2010, 04:53:54 UTC
You, m'dear, can have it whenever you're ready. Just let me know when that is. :)


13chapters May 10 2010, 04:57:36 UTC
Oh, is this what I'm betaing?! Send it over. I have to start ~living my life~ again. (Today was my swan song of being totally useless, I didn't even change out of my pajamas all day. But I did do laundry, so at least I have clean clothes to wear tomorrow.)


brihana25 May 10 2010, 05:03:04 UTC
Yes, this is the one. :) And why is it cracking me up so bad that you didn't know that? LOL

Ok, everything's cracking me up right now. I'm punchdrunk, I think.


You will get an email from me in the morning, sound good?


coiledsoul May 10 2010, 04:48:25 UTC
hi, new person on your flist. but wow, this sounds like something I can't wait to read.



brihana25 May 10 2010, 04:54:48 UTC
Hello there, new person on my flist. :D

Oooooooo... suspense. LOL! I hope it turns out to be worth waiting for.


teachertam May 10 2010, 05:22:49 UTC

This fic sounds so exciting. :)

I'm new, but I can't wait to read it.

I also know practically nothing about the rules and schedules of Big Bang fics. When will we be able to read this?


brihana25 May 10 2010, 05:27:29 UTC
Oh, thank you. I hope it is. I think it is, but I might be biased. :)

I think the art is due June 1, and the posting starts on June 7, but we don't have posting dates yet (unless I missed those to), so I'm not sure when mine'll be posted. I'm new at this whole thing, so I'm kinda making it up as I go.


superbadgirl May 10 2010, 15:25:06 UTC
Now I kind of wish I'd figured out a Big Bang idea, or had the brainpower to commit fully.

Sounds like a good read. Perhaps it's time to break my no-SPN fic rule/habit.


brihana25 May 10 2010, 19:41:04 UTC
I'm just glad I got through it. I butchered my own SG1 story so badly that I don't even recognize what it was originally supposed to be, and I don't know how the hell I did that. Seriously. Not only does it suck, it makes no sense, has no plot... just random whump scene strung together with some duck tape.

That's a whole other rant, which I'm sure I'll be making here soon. *sigh*

I'd love it if you read it, of course. :D You're doing summergen again, y/y?


superbadgirl May 10 2010, 21:02:38 UTC
Hey, some people really enjoy whump-only stories. Maybe? ;)

I already signed up for spn_summergen. Have YOU? Hehe.

Hopefully the employer-mandated accounting class will not take up too much of my brain this summer. Blech.


brihana25 May 10 2010, 21:04:55 UTC
Oh, I want to, so bad. But at this point, the very few prompts that I have floating in my brain are either D/C (which don't belong there) or I've already asked for them before.

Maybe I could submit five prompts for the Winchester Mystery House? :)


khek May 10 2010, 17:38:13 UTC
I still don't get the whole Big Bang thing. You've already written the story, and the post was to get an artist? Or this is your summary and you still have to write it, working with the artist? And posting timeframe depends on...the organizers? Or drawing a name out of a hat?

It's probably quite easy, but this stupid head cold is making everything incomprehensible.


brihana25 May 10 2010, 19:43:06 UTC
It's about 95% written. I'm just having some issues getting the ending ironed out. The claims post that I was angsting about last week was when our summaries went up anonymously so artists could claim them to do accompanying artwork for them. And this is the summary for the story I've written, yes.

I don't know quite how they do the posting schedule, except that when people say there's a week or whatever that they cannot post, they're put somewhere else.

Also, \o/ for cold medicine. :D


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