Son of a motherfucking motherless whore on a God damned stick!

May 07, 2010 09:45

So, the edits on my BB story have been going really well. In fact, as of last night when I went to sleep, I only had one more chapter left to go through. I was up from 20,000 words to almost 32,000. Things were making sense. Subtle parts were subtle, stupid parts were deleted, and things made a lot more sense. That was on the laptop.

So I wake up this morning, and I come to the desktop to get finished. I open what I don't even doubt is the file I was working with on the laptop last night (because I have two, you see, the original and the backup file, no chance of losing stuff for me, no sir). I even get the dialogue from OpenOffice telling me that the file I've just opened is locked for editing by the laptop (Baby doesn't like to let go of her toys; she's kinda mean like that).

Open a copy, Save As, click... wait, what? Where's all the stuff I added to chapter five last night? Wait, holy shit... where the hell is chapter four? I spent three hours on that!

Me: Holy son of a fucking bitch! What do you mean I just saved the backup file over the original? What the fuck do you mean that wasn't the one I was working on last night, yes it fucking was! GIVE ME MY 2000 WORDS BACK!

Daniel (the computer): Neener neener neener. No!

Me: You stupid piece of shit computer, give it back give it back give it back!

Daniel: No.

Me: I fucking hate you.

Daniel: I know.


Two thousand words. Two completely rewritten chapters. Five hours worth or work, that made more sense than anything else I'd put in there yet, and so many details and dates that I can't even remember any more.

Remember that shoot myself in the head thing?


bigbang: spn j2, rant: writing and stuff

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