Supernatural: Heart of the Dragon

Mar 08, 2010 02:39

You know what? Go ahead and call me picky. Seriously. Because this? What I'm ticked off about right now? Is picky as hell. And is something most people won't/don't give a shit about. And is something that I only know because I have vague memories of the first time it was done (because it was a big deal in the advertising that year) and because my mother collects the hell out of the stuff.

So this? Yeah, this is picky.

Near the beginning of Chapter Four of Keith R.A. DeCandido's new Supernatural novel, Heart of the Dragon, Samuel Campbell thinks about Santa Claus on Coke cans. (Why does he think about that? I have no idea. I closed the book when I read that sentence.)

This is in 1969.

Why does this bother me?

Because while the first time the Santa we know appeared in Coca-Cola advertising was in a 1931 issue of the Saturday Evening Post...

The first time he appeared on a can was in 1988.

So, either Samuel could see into the future, had done a little angel time-traveling of his own, or DeCandido fucked up. Again.

Yes, like I said, I know I'm being picky. But Goddamnit, I wanted to like this book! And this is really not a good way to start.

rant: pro-authors, fandom: supernatural

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