This is the board I spent over six hours on. I created each question, typed each clue to fit the 3 by 5 ratio, browsed over 50 fonts, outlined each note card in blue or green, double-taped each clue to the board, single-taped the dollar amount on each clue, cut out little pieces like crazy, and typed an answer key. I also made two hidden Daily Doubles as well.
Notice the alternating colors. Blue clues are from chapter 9 and green clues are from chapter 10. I alternated colors to make it pop. I think it was a success. In addition, I folded each upper left corner of the dollar amounts so I could pull them off easier when actually hosting the real game. Lastly, I have two buzzers and a clicker for the teams of contestants. That should make for a realistic "Jeopardy!" session!