Itchy and bitchy

Oct 09, 2005 19:58

I had an interesting weekend. I went to my favorite fraternity (TKE) last night with Lauren's friends. Ironically, Lauren was not present, but I met them once before so it wasn't awkward. It was so not awkward, as a matter of fact that I made out with Christina for 90 minutes straight! We danced, pressing each other against the wall, while I simultaneously felt her up. The 90-minute time frame is NOT an exaggeration. We had witnesses. That has to be some sort of world record. We were both pretty drunk and agreed today that last night was just a one-time thing. She has a boyfriend and I don't want to get in the middle of anything. I like drunken hookups as long as both parties are aware the experience means nothing but fun and no committment. I did not make that clear to her, but fortunately, she was okay with us going nowhere. I think she is disappointed but not too deeply hurt. I promise to be more careful in the future. There's no reason for feelings pointlessly being hurt. I'm glad Lauren made this clear to me.

One of the people I hung out with last night was blind. She, Lisa, told many funny dirty jokes and has good taste in beer. Unfortunately, beer and blind people do not mix with me. I lose the majority of my polite inhibitions. Christina and I were getting very impatient with her walking so slowly everywhere. At one point, on the way home, Eric had to lift her up and carry her down a steep hill. I could not help but laugh out loud. She swung her cane around like a madman. I told her she was getting violent with that thing and she laughed. Finally, Lisa and Eric were dancing together. Neither is equipped with amazing moves. To put it politely, I found the spectacle entertaining. At least they know how to have a good time! No more blind people when drinking! I swear God was teasing me last night, just waiting for me to do or say something inappropriate or repulsive.

I had absolutely NO homework this weekend. However, I do have to prepare to register for my spring '06 classes so the actual registration goes smoothly. Prospects point to a very difficult semester. If I take choir once more, the three semesters I will have taken it will count as a three-credit block, wiping away an elective I would have had to take otherwise. I might as well make it worth my while even though I don't really enjoy the class anymore. I am pondering the advantages/disadvantages of taking a 200-level class as opposed to a 100-level course. If it fulfills the requirement anyway, why would I choose to make my life more difficult by taking the higher level class, especially since it doesn't even apply to education?! Will future employers see a 200-level course on paper as me taking extra incentive or will they not even know the number level class I took? I would like your input please.

My parents are coming in two weeks for Parents Weekend! They are bringing my cushy desk chair on wheels. That will be much better than this stale, lifeless piece of wood that my ass now occupies. They are bringing nourishment in the forms of food, drink, and medicine. My mom's bringing Benadryl for my ongoing rash. It's still not gone and she's getting concerned. So am I. My parents are celebrating their 23rd anniversary today. They are going to Hawaii for their 25th (assuming they make it). That's all I got for you today. I hope it is sufficient.

parents weekend, tke party, class registration, blindness

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