::: weary wave :::
I'm posting this late, due to all sorts of stuff. I'll get into the deets in my chatter post.
When submitting for the contest, link your entry in the poll below to have it incorporated into the voting poll at the end of the week. Check out t
Main Contest Rules for info on how the main contest works!
Keep in mind that if you DID NOT submit an entry for week one, you will not be eligible to compete in the Main Contest, but are still free to continue on Just For Fun (and request edits) if you’d like.
Please note also at for the ease of assigning editors and ROAR readers, we request that you include in your submission an approximate word count as well as a genre - just "fiction," "poetry," "non-fiction," or "screenplay" will suffice. Thank you!
For those who aren't sure how to link your entry: copy the link in your browser's address bar when viewing your entry, then paste it in the submission box below. Optionally, you can add HTML to make your link clickable by others. To do this,
check out these instructions.
June is a themed month -- homonyms. If you vote to keep me as a mod, I'll resume unthemed topics in July.
Your Week 1 Topic is ..
Have you ever pared the skin off a pair of pears?
Sorry -- I just had to. :-)
Homonyms have been a staple of good literary comedy since at least Shakespeare -- and puns (based on homonyms or otherwise) have been called the highest form of comedy in existence. And, in fact, it is the highest form -- although perhaps not the most hilarious. It's the laugh of "aha"!, whereas so many other laughs are AT someone, or in vulgarity.
And in the end, perhaps it IS laughter at something. But in this case, it's a laugh at the English language itself, in all its crude, vulgar, borrowedness. I doubt any other language has so many facets, exceptions, eccentricities, and "nooks (did you know that W is sometimes a vowel?).
Whether you decide to pair your homonyms with wit, pare your language down to something more sinister, or you find some other way to make this gnarled mismash of a language apparent, the opportunity, and the invitation to compete in what may be my last month as a moderator, are yours.
Click Here To Edit Your Submission!Poll Week 1 Topic, June 2013 Your entries are due by Sunday June 9th, 2013. I'll close the poll at 5pm EST at the earliest. All the best to you!