Good afternoon! Welcome to the Week in Review!
Week 2 entries for the prompt "Wild, Beguile" are due in about 24 hours at 12 noon EST tomorrow, Sunday 6/13. Post your entry links
here Sign your Week 2 entry up for editing
here by Sunday at noon. Plus there are a couple of stories looking for volunteer edits, please?
Here's the
Editing Checklist for this week - please try to be all checked off by noon tomorrow, when the Week 2 Checklist will be posted! Thank you!
It's the
June Literary Library post!!
This week's
Writer’s Showcase, hosted by
katden, features
thorarosebird There's talk of a
Flame Meet-Up this summer!
Flame Book Club will start meeting Monday! the 21st!
Chatter Round-up:
This week's Chatter Posts featured the following topics and queries:
Have you ever considered deleting your LJ? What made you consider it, and what made you keep it? Tuesday:
What's your favourite source for ridiculousness, or your favourite way to induce ridiculousness, in your life? Wednesday:
What unique ways do you express your love and caring for others? Thursday:
What do you want to see in future chatter posts? Friday:
How satisfied are you with the direction your life is taking? Is there anything you regret doing, or wish you had done? I hope you enjoyed this edition of The Week in Review! Stay tuned for a new Writer's Showcase, and tomorrow for the Week 2 Voting Poll!