Music for a Rainy Day -- Friday, June 5, 2015

Jun 05, 2015 12:45

Hello, my friends of fire.  I cannot say “good morning” because I ran out of that.  I lost a day, and thought this was Thursday, then realized it is NOT Thursday, it is indeed Friday.  I hope this will be worth the wait.

As some of you know, I am a singer and a musician and have been for 52 years.  It is a bitter, rainy day in Northern NJ USA today, and I thought I would share some music with you.  Although these first two pieces are named “Rainy Day” (with no attribution, which means they are folk tunes and no one has a clue where they came from), I find them heartwarming and Lthey give me energy. They are also different, as the first is by solo whistle and the second is whistle and accordion. (Rainy Day) (Another Rainy Day)

I will leave you with a guitar rendition of two pieces by one of my favorite composers, Turlough O’Carolan.  He was blind, played harp, and composed music as his livelihood.  He had a title for many of the pieces he wrote to honor his benefactors - “planxty”.  So, when you see the title of “Planxty some name” you know that he wrote it to honor that person, who no doubt gave him room, board, and harp strings so that he could do what he loved.  So, I give you:  Lady Athenry and Planxty Hewlitt. (Steve Baughman plays O’Carolan)

I hope this music has given you joy, energy, and maybe even put a smile on your face.  Have a glorious weekend!

Brigit's Flame reminders:

We have an ongoing contest for June, the topic is Lost & Found and while it's not due until the end of the month, you should be working on it now.

Kathy shared a quick writing game with us yesterday - go check it out.

Flamestorming is happening on June 14th. Make a note on your calendar to join us in Google Hangouts for writing sprints and community bonding.

june, friday, chatter post

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