As promised, I bring you another writing sprint.
Interview your favorite character in the story
Ask them the following questions:
1. Does it take much to get you angry? Or - What would frost you enough to start a fight with someone?
2. What is your first thought when you see a rainbow?
3. Do you enjoy a good mystery?
4. Name something you would really like, but would never buy for yourself.
5. You are standing at a fork in the road. If you turn left the road leads home. What is waiting for you down that other road? Will you turn left or right?
These questions are intended to help you consider your character from a perspective outside of the story. However, if they suit the story or plot - go with it. If you missed the sprints last weekend, you can find them
here and
Use only as directed:
This game is open to the whole community, not just those who signed up to write for
May's theme. For those who are working on their month-long story, the content of your resulting sprint DOES NOT need to be included in your final story. It is an exercise for you, not a requirement.
If you want to share what you wrote in the sprint, paste a link in the comments below. Sharing is also not required.
If you write something today and want to share it with us we'll read it, and share some #commentlove as the reader sees fit. There is no voting for this exercise.
Typically a sprint would be timed, but since we are scattered across time zones and have work and families to attend to the only limitation I will give you is this - the time to share your sprint results with us will end Sunday night at midnight (wherever you are).
Our flamestorming session is tentatively set for Sunday around 4pm EDT for a few hours. We will be using Google Hangouts.
You can find us at the address below, send us an email anytime Sunday and we will add you to our Hangouts Contacts. If you are protective of your gMail address or do not have one, consider setting up a free gMail account to use strictly for flamestorming in privacy. You must have a gmail or Google + account to use Hangouts.
Brigit's Flame -
It's simple to use, just open gMail or Google + and choose Hangouts. I will include you on the initial group message and you can join at your leisure.
#lightAfire under your muse
Happy writing.