March | Week Four | Reading List and Voting Poll

Mar 30, 2015 10:15

Good morning, Flames and Readers of the Flame!

This month has seen some great inspiration. Not just in topics, but for genre as well. Sadly, this is our last reading for March, but after a brief interlude for art, RicoChey will be taking the reigns and delivery our prompts for April.

Also, you might want to join Bardi and Kathy (darlinleo) in writing A Poem A Day for April. We'll have a sub-menu on the wordpress page for you to share links to your APAD poetry, or message me with your wordpress url and I'll give you author rights to share your APAD directly to the page on the Brigit's Flame wordpress site.

Our week four assignment from darlinleo was to ramp up the suspense while writing for the theme "The Devil I have Not Met".
Our own cedarwolfsinger was on a musical retreat this weekend and was not able to contribute so bluegerl wins March by default, but check out her competitive submission as well all of the just for fun entries and share some love.

Your reading list awaits:

Title: Come Again
Author: Bluegerl
Word Count: 190
Warnings: none


Title: The Cheap Thrill
Author: skyllairae
Word Count: 560
Warnings: suspense, hopefully :)

Title: The Devil's Apprentice
Author: Bluegerl
Word Count: 488
Warnings: none

Title: Waking Up
Author: jlly_Tami
Word Count: 2,555
Warnings: some violence and adult situations/references

Get your reading done early and cast your votes by 11:45pm on Wednesday. Since the winner is predetermined, you can have as many votes as you want.

Don't forget to drop a note to your fellow writers to let them know they are appreciated. If it's an off-site blog and you have trouble with commenting, feel free to share your comments here and we'll pass them along. In fact, I encourage you to share some public thoughts below with the community. Let's talk about what we read, together.

We love it when our Embers write, but we also need the community to come together and read what's being submitted. Even if you didn't have time to write this week, please take a few minutes to read and encourage your friends to read as well. Share our fire!


march, week 4, reading list-weekly poll

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