Stealing from Miss Bing
1. Who was your first prom date?
Jackob Pratt. I kinda liked him.
2. Who was your first roommate?
my family?
3. What alcoholic beverage did you drink when you got drunk the first time?
Strawberry Daquiris. Lots of them.
4. What was your first job?
Lawn keeper.
5. What was your first car?
Jose Papito Diego Galeno.... 1969 two toned beetle
6. When did you go to your first funeral?
My Grandpa's in the 4th grade.
7. How old were you when you first moved away from your hometown?
3, when we moved from vancouver to surrey
8. Who was your first grade teacher?
9. Where did you go on your first airplane ride?
Disneyland when I was three months old.
10. When you snuck out of your house for the first time, who was with you?
i cant remember his name. fifth grade though.
11. Who was your first Best Friend and are you still friends always?
Audrey, and no. I got in a car accident and called her to say I couldn't make it to her house to see her and she got mad at me and i haven't spoken to her since.
12. Where did you live the first time you moved out of your parents house?
I live at home.
13. Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day?
Carly or my mum. But really, I don't much, I just keep it to myself.
14. Who's wedding were you in the first time you were a bridesmaid or a groomsmen?
my sisters, our parents made her put me in the party and i was supposed to be a flower girl since I was 9 but she said I was too fat so I was a bridesmaid but she wouldn't get me a dress to match the other girls so my mum had to make me one, and then they all drank and smoke in the limo after our parents told her not to since i was in there, so i barfed on her shoes and my dress.
15. What is the first thing you do in the morning?
talk to oreo
16. What was the first concert you ever went to?
Boyz II Men.
17. First tattoo or first piercing?
Ears, then my star.
18. First celebrity crush?
i'm not sure.... Michaelangelo the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, or Danny Wood from New Kids On The Block.
19. First crush?
Elvin, our next door neighbour in surrey, we got married on an almost daily basis. either him or David, who wore dinosaur shirts, had a blonde mushroom cut, and turned out to be gay.
20. First love?
I love too easilly, so first real loved me back? Tyler. First real had so much fun? Mauricio. there are a million others it seems but i don't feel like dragging that up.
and well another, cause I am bored.
1. Gum: orange frost frostbite mmm wissa. and i would say moffatt gum, but i actually don't like that stuff much anymore. its not the same. not sure why.
2. Restaurant: Kelsey's cause of spinach dip. But I also love Kelly O's cause of Pachos too. I don't really have a favourite restaurant but I have a bunch of favourite appetizers
3. Drink: too many to name. i had a velvet rope martini last night, that was nummy.
4. Season: early to mid fall when you wear jeans and boots and a sweater outside in the sun and you could just lay on the grass somewhere forever and be perfectly happy.
5. Type of weather: Warm, clear skies, no wind, nothing to worry about.
6. Type of emotion: happy, laughing, free
8. Late-night activity: dancing
9. Sport: football
10. City: i'm not sure. a mexican city probably.
11. Store: dont know. american eagle probably because i'm lame like that. I'd say guess but i can't afford anything there
When was the last time you-
12. Cried: dont remember. i haven't cried in a very long time.
13. Played a sport: oh, yah, I don't do sports.
14. Laughed: dont know, i laugh all the time, cant keep track
15. Hugged someone: my mum when i left
16. Kissed someone: my mum when i left
17. Felt depressed: earlier today when lauren said she couldn't go to Santa Monica, then I remembered Vegas and got happy again
18. Felt overworked: last week probably, but i'm in the middle of five days off so i'm peachy now
19. Felt sick: about an hour ago probably
What was the last-
20. Word you said: one
21. Thing you ate: starbucks cookie
22. Song you listened to: i dont know, whatever was on in the car
23. Last thing you drank: chai that i forgot to drink and has now gotten cold
24. Place you went to: zellers for hair dye and mini eggs and hair thingys
25. Movie you saw: i dont remember
26. Movie you rented: elizabethtown in surrey
27. Movie you went to: dont remember.
Who was the last person you-
28. Hugged: my mum
29. Cried over: tyler forever ago
30. Instant messaged: carly
31. Danced with: Lauren and who knows who last weekend at the bar
32. Shared a secret with: Lauren
33. Had a sleepover with: Lauren because we didn't want to pay for a taxi to her place after my place last weekend
35. Went to a movie with: probably my mum
36. Saw: Oreo counts as a person
37. Were angry with: my father
38. Cant take your eyes off:
Have you ever-
40. Danced in the rain: sure have
41. Kissed someone: yep
42. Done drugs: not so much
43. Drank alcohol: oh yah
44. Partied 'til the sun came up: sure have
45. Had a movie marathon: yep
46. Gone too far on a dare: probably
47. Spun until you were immensely dizzy: yep im smart like that
My life-
48. School you go to: None.
49. Name: Brigit
50. Gender: Female
51. Birthday: jan 15th,1985
52. Relationship status: SINGLE
53. Number of siblings: 3
54. State or province u live in: BC
55. I'm feeling: hungry, comfy, little headachey
56. I'm listening to: what not to underwear
57. I'm doing: This survey, drinking chai again and watching what not to underwear
58. I'm talking to: miss bing
59. I'm craving: pizza, big and cheesey
60. I'm thinking of: my cold toes
61. I'm hating: nothing, i'm good.
62. Love is: over. i'm so done.
63. My first love: Is gone also.
64. Love or lust: Lust.
65. Best love song: Love Is - Boys, or Sweetest Thing - Lauryn Hill cause its cute.
66. Possible to be in love w/ more than one person at the same time: No
67. When love hurts: when doesn't it?
68. Are you in love: i dont think so
Opposite/same sex-
70. Turn ons: a good dancer, certain eyes, other things too.
71. Turn offs: hairy guys, clean cut guys. ick.
72. Do your parent's opinion on your gf/bf matter to you? nope
73. What kinda hairstyle are you into?: spikey for guys, kind of ryan cabrera hair. chick hair? laurens.
74. What is the sweetest thing a girl/guy can do for you?: nothing, i dont need any sweetness.
75. Where do you go to meet new people?: no where.
76. Are you the type of person to HOLLA and ask for numbers? HOLLA!
Picky Picky-
77. Dog or cat: Doggies
78. Short or long hair: long
79. Sunshine or rain: rain if i'm indoors, sun if im out.
80. Hugs or kisses: both, depending on who its with.
81. Xbox or ps2: I DONT CARE
82. Written letters or e-mails: Written letters
83. Cars or motorcycles: Harleys
84. Coke or pepsi: Coke, but i dont remember the last time I had one.
85. House party or dance: dance always.
87. Freak or slow dance: depends on who im with again
88. How are you today? alright
89. What pants are you wearing right now?: grey eeyore pajama sweat pants
91. What song are you listening to right now? shopping music on what not to underwear still
92. How is the weather right now? nice and sunny, its been a weird day with clouds and rain, then sun, then rain and hail, then sun again. crazy weather
93. Last person you talked to online? carly
94. Who was last person you talked to on the phone? Sue, my hair stylist.
95. Last dream: i dont know, i havent been remembering them lately.