Ponies? Ponies. Ponies ponies ponies.

Apr 09, 2011 20:33

George whickered when he saw me on Friday.  I was like, aww, he's missed his treat dispenser.  It was a serious "aww" moment for me, though--when I was a kid I took an animal not liking me very personally.  I've outgrown that now (I'm not THAT desperate for affection these days) but I'm still tickled when one clearly likes me.

Of course he could just be buttering me up so that I don't kill him out of frustration some day, you never know.  He's mostly behaved for me under saddle ever since the day he was THE WORST EVER*, but he's just being more of a snot on the ground.  I've never had a horse try to stealthily eat my hair at every opportunity before.  What the fuck, George, no.

I've got some sort of bond with several horses at this point--George, obviously, since i ride him every week, Shiloh at the therapy barn because I spoil that sweet old girl senseless, and Nova, my beloved asshole.  I was able to reach into his stall this morning and touch his face without him trying to eat me today, guys.  WE HAVE PROGRESS.

Of course later I tried to pick a piece of hay off his belly and he threatened to kick me, so some things just never change.  It's this constant wavering between "I enjoy your attention" and "fuck off I hate you all" with him.  It amuses and saddens me at the same time.



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