Apr 09, 2009 14:15
I keep meaning to post but somehow it never happens.
-Birthday celebration was cool. Andalusians to drool over? Fuck yes. Massive win all around.
-I has a Braden. Yay, Braden! Braden sits here and talks shop with Josh and my eyes glaze over. Damn it. Why do I find geeks so fucking sexy, when they talk about stuff I don't understand so much?! But at least they like each other, which is good. They are both kind of important to me, y'know.
-Today I get to meet a Tia! O snap!
-My mom called me on my birthday. After over a year of not talking. ... okay! I still think she is teh dumb for still dating the redneck idiot, but if she's willing to resume ties, so am I.
And: I want a kitty. OMFG. I even found one I want REALLY BAD. Yes, I know I shouldn't be looking yet, but when the fuck do I have any sense? That's right, never.