Earlier, I was compulsively browsing around Google's site. (I can't help it; I'm addicted to Google.) Anyway, I found the following quote on their "Why You Should Work at Google" page:
"And consider this. Our front page,
http://www.google.com, currently reports that we search more than eight billion web pages. That's a lot of information, but even that's not the whole web. And even if it were, it's still only the web; what about all the other information out there? Google's mission is to make all the world's information accessible, not just a subset of the web." (italics mine)
I always knew instinctively that if you don't know something, you should ask Google first, because Google knows everything, but that was always a quasi-tongue in cheek statement. But wow...they really DO want to know everything.
Google will be omniscient. Sort of. The ultimate archive, anyway.
In other news, I'm going in to work some extra hours today. Work is going to pay me time and a half for any time outside my schedule, so I'm going to try to do a couple of hours on each of my off days this week. If I can work an extra 8, I'd get pay for 12, which would be really nice. And really, a couple of hours is nothing.