My first week

Oct 14, 2005 23:51

So I've completed my first week as a teacher assistant for the two fifth grades at my school. It's been fun, but it's been a long week. My two teachers seem content to not have a real set schedule for me to follow in regards to where I should be and when, so I tend to float a lot between the two classrooms to see if I'm needed. I make a lot of copies, watch a lot of subjects during group or individual work, and grade a lot of papers. Since I subbed a bunch of days with a wide variety of classrooms, I'm somewhat of a celebrity with some of the younger kids. My two classrooms are on the way to the music room, so when the kindergarteners or bilingual 2/3 grade kids walk by and see me, it's like seeing a movie star. They get so excited, and it cracks me up. Their teachers get a huge kick out of it too, I think in part because they know then that they enjoyed having a sub for once. It's been a good week. I'm not entirely 100% satisfied with my salary, but it's such a big opportunity that I couldn't have turned it down. And apparently this position was partly made with me in mind, and you can't beat that kind of compliment.

Next week I get to go on the outdoor education trip to White Pines with the fifth graders for the two and a half days. I get paid for the days I'm there, but not evenings. The girls especially are excited to know I'm going, since I'll be sleeping in their dorm. I remember going to White Pines when I was in fifth grade at Terrace, so I know how much fun they'll have. I don't have to pay a dime to go, which is really great. I get to ride a horse again for free! Very exciting. Although it will be the first time I'm away from my husband for more than a day. That kind of sucks. And I don't know how much time I'll get to check in with him, which really sucks. But it'll go quickly and it's so rewarding for the kids.

In other news....I totally half-assed (maybe no-assed) Weight Watchers this week. I just didn't feel like I had time between working at the school and going to Lifesource. Which reminds me. My official last day there is on sunday. The evening platelets people gave me a good-bye card, and one really sweet woman in the department gave me a gift of two very pretty wine goblets. Which I promptly (albeit accidentally) dropped at Friday's after work. I thought they had survived the fall, but one glass must have fallen on it's pedestal and broke on the bottom. We think it's fixable, but I was upset. On sunday I think I'm going to bring some brownies or Krispie Kremes for the whole blood and platelets people as a good-bye gift from me. I'm not sure. I'll miss the people, but the job was totally starting to suck. They even had to let us leave early thursday night because the dialer was all screwed up and apparently the whole blood calls weren't working right (of course, the platelets calls were just fine).

I'd like to have some sort of party/dinnerish/get together with people to celebrate my new job, and just to get people together. Is there any Halloween thing planned? Please let me know. I won't be working sundays anymore so I all the time, party all the time, party all the ti---ime...... :-)
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