Jul 29, 2013 01:54
so this shit has been going on since january when i tripped while hiking a lava field and assumed i sprained my foot or wrenched it or something.
a few weeks back in LA and i went to a podiatrist who thought it was fractured...at this point i was unaware that podiatrists are not actually md's and with my medical stuff (the masto, the osteo) seeing a doctor would be far more in my better interest. so after a few weeks of walking around in an air cast i saw an orthopedic surgeon who did a ct scan and decided that it was sprained or bruised. so a few more weeks in the air cast and i felt reasonably better. reasonably better went back to painful and swollen again so back to the orthopedist i went and they thought it was a ganglion cyst wrapped around a nerve...but they weren't 100% certain it was actually a cyst to we had to wait it out.
the whole thing just gets fucking tedious after a while since doctors don't want to rush into surgery because of the masto, and i've just been bouncing back and forth between specialists to see how this is going to turn out. i had a nuclear bone scan to rule out stress fractures which instead magically showed that the REST of my skeleton no longer has lesions (which is a vast improvement from when i had a scan done a few years ago - so that's a plus)
but the cyst is really evident now (visibly so), and really painful. i swear it's like my foot is going to give birth to something, but it is of course complicated by the masto and the osteo since it's possible i could have a potential stress fracture in the works in addition to the cyst which is apparently wrapped around a nerve. it's frustrating because if it's just the cyst, i can pick up weights and yoga again, but if the bone is compromised i have to take it easy for a bit. either way i'm going to need surgery, it just depends on whether i will end up in a cast and THEN surgery or have surgery and THEN a cast.
in other news, Ethan and I have been taking poi lessons to expand our fire arts repertoire. so far we have fun with hoops and fans, but poi are a totally different beast. at least with hoops and fans the fire is essentially always at a set distance from you and is fairly predictable. poi on the other hand can go wherever the hell they want to if you lose momentum. so far i am -pro- at hitting myself in the head with my practice poi, i can't wait to see what happens when they're on fire ;) (though that won't be for another 5 weeks, during which i plan to practice as intensely as possible) but i really like poi because i feel like they are more of a dance tool. fans are awesome and you can get pretty techy with them, but my confidence with them lit vs unlit is pretty dramatic. i can do a ton of cool unlit fan moves, but when they're lit i just turn into a moth and want to stare at them ;) the hoop is awesome because it surrounds you and there's something equally terrifying and emboldening about being surrounded by fire. the day after my bone scan results i went and lit up for a couple hours which was a great way to celebrate good news.
trying to think of what else is going on. lots of walking around with the dog, which is continuously awesome. he forces me to get out into the world on a daily basis, and since he's a total attention whore, all these walks result in interacting with tons of people which is great. but he really is an amazing little guy, so full of love and joy. there is just something about him, the way he looks at people, he just connects on a really neat level. people totally adore him too, which i still find curious since frenchies are totally popular out here, but i guess that shows how special he is!
in other news we're thinking of maybe moving to hollywood. it's cheaper and we can have a nicer place, but i really love the west side...but since google moved to venice it's become increasingly expensive so who knows. i think that moving is going to hinge on surgery since after having had it happen -twice- i absolutely refuse to move right before or after surgery. it's too draining. i also want to sell an assload of stuff that i own as i'm -so- tired of being attached to so many belongings. the hardest part is books, which honestly take up a huge amount of real estate in our apartment, but if we could pare down the bookshelves we'd need a lot less space. especially since we have less pets.
so that is essentially where things are now. things are good, honestly better than they've been in a while. my bones are getting better, my dog is awesome, i've been playing with fire, it's all good, i just need to get the surgery out of the way.