This morning began with some canine drama. Buddy and Misty (our neighbor, Judy's dogs) came over and flat-out attacked, Elsie, the cute little poodle belonging to our two newest WWOOFErs, Kyle and Paige. Elsie is hurt pretty badly and we may need to take her to the vet. Judy, of course, is mortified and will pay for the vet bills, but her dogs are total a-holes. I scolded Buddy for being over here in the first place and he just glared at me, licked his balls for a moment, and then glared at me again. LOL. Douche. At the moment, Elsie is in our apartment, sleeping in this nest of blankets and pillows we made her. We're monitoring her closely. She doesn't want to put any weight on her right, rear leg, but there are no obvious, open wounds. Bob (who is a human doctor) took a look at her and suggested we just wait and see, but we've called several vets who said the same thing. She is, however, drooling quite a not and that's not normal. I suspect that she might be slightly in shock.
This is Elsie, please send her some good wishes and energy.
And this weekend Andrew and I are supposed to go rafting, but I really, reall, REALLY don't want to go. This is funny because I actually love rafting and being on the river. Part of it is just this strong, intiutive feeling. Part of it is health/mentruation related. Part of it is worry about Andrew's grandmother, who is dying and I don't want to be out of contact. Part of it is feeling "hermit-ish" and not wanting to be around a bunch of people for three days straight. But, unless I get lucky enough to contract the flu in the next 24-hours, I'm pretty much stuck going. Everyone else is really into it (and it's with my friends), but, apparently, I really don't want to go to the point that I was talking about it in my sleep.