So, yesterday I took a long walk and a whole bunch of pictures, but I've not had time to deal with them yet. I will soon, though, for spring is springing and things are just beginning to think about turning green and budding. Yes, spring is late here, but that's what happens at this elevation.
So, in the meantime, here's some stuff that I found amusing:
FTR, I thought of both...
Now, if could have posted THIS in my classroom. no student would ever mistake "you're/your":
This is for:
paperbackbandit, and all the other fabulous Ohioans on my f-list. Remember folks, I used to live there:
Note: I guess New Mexico is just the opposite. We've had at least two famous "UFO crashes" and myriad UFO sightings. Hell, we're so cool space is coming it us!
This just made me laugh:
And finally, just for cuteness sake: