One More Layer to the Hell that is our Gate...

Feb 01, 2012 13:00

Yesterday was NOT a good rodent day, apparently. (Well, technically, my second animal encounter was not a rodent, but many people think they're rodents, so I'll go ahead with it for comedic effect.) After the mouse incident, there came an incident with another animal. And this one could have been far more disastrous, not to mention added another layer to my dislike of than damned gate.

So, as I was driving up the driveway after work I stopped (like the good New Buffaloan I am) to shut the gate. Just as I was returning to my car a small, black and white, disgruntled-looking fellow appeared beside the gate post. You guessed it, a skunk! Apparently, I'd invaded his territory. He glared at me, so I just walked as fast as I could to my car and slammed the door quickly. He stood there glaring at me for a second as I drove away, but, thankfully, did not spray.

I 've been sprayed by a skunk before, and, you can trust me on this, it sucks on a deep and profound level. Up close it doesn't have that slightly pungent, vaguely cannabis-like scent that it does when you drive through a previously "skunked" area. Instead, it smells like some kind of petroleum product rotting under a wet porch doused with rancid vinegar. It's nasty.

The thought occurred to me later, that I would have been in quite the predicament had I actually been sprayed. I wouldn't wanted to get back in the car (and make it stink), so I would have had to call Andrew. That said, we don't have enough supplies here to deal with it, so I would have had to go back to work, unlock the door, and help myself to peroxide, baking soda, and maybe even tomato juice. Actually, I would have wanted to send Andrew in to get the stuff because I would not have wanted to sink-up the bar or the store. As we would have been closed, I would have to have written a note (or made Andrew do it) explaining why I was "stealing" and promising to pay the next day.

Thankfully, none of this actually happened and the skunk merely stormed off into the bushes. I will say this for skunks: I admire their tactics. It's like the ultimate non-violent defense. Hell, half the time the fear of being sprayed is enough of a deterrent not to mess with them!

gate, new buffalo, work, skunk

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