I spent the morning helping design our "root cellar" (It's really above ground and used for storing all sorts of stuff) and harvesting potatoes. This reminded me of a story by the fantastic
mindabbles to (in which Remus comes out to his mother whilst she is harvesting potatoes) and that reminds me of one of my favorite things about the holidays:
rs_small_gifts! It's a fantastic fest and sign-ups start today. Oh, yeah, and guess what? I was first this year!
But back to the potatoes...
We harvested just over fifty pounds, which is a decent, but by no means good harvest considering we had three rows of about seventy feet each. they were mixed red and a Yukon-like variety called Corolla, but the latter did MUCH better.
The potatoes:
We DID however, get an excellent seed harvest. Yes, potatoes do, indeed, have seeds. When you plant potatoes you can either plant the seeds or plant chunks of actual potato, but the seeds work better because they are blight resistant.
Here are the seed pods:
They come from these flowers:
This has been a weird fall so far. Despite the fact that it is supposed to snow on Monday, it has not been that cold and we've only had a couple of hard freezes. Thus, the leaves are not much (and, up until a few days ago, flowers were still blooming). Still, here you go:r
Mt Lobo:
Goody-bye, Indian Summer: