And a rare public post! (It hit me that anyone happening upon my journal would think I never post, but I've just been f-locking most everything as of late.)
Anyway, as we all know,
koshweasley and
wolfiekins named my wonderful Sirius and Remus and Henry Miller has long since gone to that great soup pot in the sky, but my current two roosters still remain nameless. So I am opening the floor to all of you for suggestions. One small caveat, though, we might be getting rid of one soon so pair-based names might not work.
It is also worth noting that these are NOT examples of my actual picture taking ability. But you all know that, right? Please tell me yes.
And, at the very least, these two are far better looking than poor, cosmetically-challenged Henry Miller. (Though ever since
forest_rose pointed out that he looks like Faulkes, I feel a bit badly for him.) Thee guys really are handsome roosters, though. Poor Henry, he really did look as though he'd been boiled.
This is "the white one," which is a truly lame-ass name. He's the largest and the most aggressive, but he's also incredibly, obnoxiously loud. Thus far, he's not gone "all Remus" on me, but was the one that stood-up best to the cougar hens, so I strongly suspect he may have secret, Dexter-like qualities. The best part about him is that he looks as if he has a mane of long, blonde hair. The worst part about him is that he is shrill and loquacious.
He always has something to say...
And here is the lamely named, "the black one." He's actually fairly sweet-natured, and quite likely the one we'll keep. That said, he's nquite as "manly" and, unfortunately, got the worst beat-down from the cougar hens. Seriously, he did not even mother to fight back, he just rolled over and let himself get pecked. Granted, part of that might have had to do with the fact that Andrew had just tossed him over the fence and he had no idea what was going on, but he still isn't exactly Mr. Stud. He does well with the Lolitas on his side, though.
So, what do you think? Despite the fact that their brains are the size of a pea, they must have names in their someplace! Cupcakes for all good suggestions!
Random chicken pics:
Meet my darling, Goldie, who will actually ride on your shoulder. She does this for Bob making him look like a bizarre rural-hippie pirate. She'll do it for me, too, but I'm not so into the rural-pirate look (I just don't think it suits me) and, more importantly, there is no guarantee she won't poo. That said, she will let me pick her up and cuddle, etc.
This one I call Minerva. Though you can't tell from the picture she's large and in charge and (for a chicken, mind you), very intelligent. Granted, that's not saying much, but it works in her world.
That's all, folks! Name my cocks!