Mar 06, 2005 08:54
so mock trial is over. i'm extremely happy and somewhat disappointed at the same time. we didn't make it to nationals. we weren't as prepared as we could've been, but we still did extremely well. and i'm proud of that. 3 days before the competition i had to be another witness, so i had 2 days to learn it, and i did really well i got almost all 10's on that witness. one 9 i think. that makes me kinda mad that i did almost perfect on the witness i only spent 3 days on, but on taylor, i had spent a month learning and i managed to get an 8 once. oh year we're soooo going to nationals. now i can get back to other shit though. like work and goin out and other schoolwork. this was just taking up way tooo much of my time.
term exams are this week, i'll have thursday off and half of friday off. yay.
comment if you wanna.