Jan 02, 2005 18:38
1. name: krIstIn
2. single or taken: single
3. sex: female
4. birthday: sep. 30
5. sign: libra
6. siblings: kinda
7. hair color: ummmm...some blonde, red, strawberry blonde, pink maybe...idk a mix of all
8. eye color: green
10. piercing(s): 4 in ear, 1 belly button
11. tattoo(s): not yet
12. favorite color: gray
13. favorite food: nachos, or choc chip paradise pie from chili's
14. favorite subject in school: chem...b/c of the ppl, not the class lol
15. favorite animal: lil gizmo
16. favorite band: shit...ummmm probably the used right now
17. favorite holiday: valentine's day or christmas
18. kind of shampoo: not sure
19. biggest fear: never being able to live where i want
20. what are you listening to right now: the used
21. who was the last person you called: andrew
22. have you ever given anyone a bath: no
23. have you ever bungee jumped?: no
24. have you ever been in love: yes
25. have you ever cried when someone died: yes
26. have you ever lied: yes
27. currently wearing: black pants, socks, and a black tank top
28. currently reading: ummmm this?
29. current desktop picture: just a black screen
30. current cd(s) in player: jack off jill in the car, the used in here
31. current color of toe nails: black
32. last person you hugged: brad
33. last person you IMed: kathryn
34. last person you kissed: lee
35. coke or pepsi: diet sunkist...
36. sunrises or sunsets: sunsets i guess
37. first kiss: ernie, i think
38. first funeral: someone i can't remember. the first one i remember was my grandpa's
39. first pet: probably a hermit crab, named popcorn
40. last movie seen: parts of dodgeball
43. last shoes worn: ummm the only shoes i have really
44. last item bought: fries from bk
46. what color socks are you wearing: white
47. what color boxers are you wearing: ummm i'm not.
48. what's under your bed: boxes of shit i should throw away
49. what time did you wake up today: 10
50. what do you want to be when you grow up: psychologist maybe
51. college: not sure, whichever i get a scholarship to
52. where do you want to live: not sure, maybe up north but idk cuz i hate cold weather sometimes.
53. current mood: bored as hell