May 13, 2010 20:05
Well, it was a given that I was going to love this movie with all of my grinchy little heart. Three words, people. Jeffrey. Dean. Morgan. I don't know why I love that man like I do, and I really don't know why I love him the most when he's playing a dickish asshole. I get the schoolgirl squees when he's a terrible, horrible, no good human being. Really I do. It's so sad.
There could be more of this movie as they left it open for that (I dunno if there are any plans or what) but it was still a satisfying little action flick. My only complaint was we got Zoe topless but not JDM topless. Granted, her topless scene we only got to see her back... but still. JDM scolding 'Jensen' made me giggle because I'm childish and shallow. And now I'm thinking that I'm going to go search the internets for RPS porn. Someone shoot me now.
Why isn't this man in more movies?
Does anyone know if this week or next week is the SPN finale? I have no clue. I'm still giggling over Crowley and Bobby last week. Is it sad that during that episode I turned to the hubby and said 'you know all the tapes in his car turn into Queen within a fortnight' and when I talked to the Boy he asked if the tapes in Crowely's car turned into Queen. The Boy and I are scarily on the same wavelength. *giggles*
OK, I have to go see if Gina wants to go to the gym tomorrow.
all roads lead to supernatural,
jdm is pure awesomeness