Tomorrow is my mother’s birthday, she’s hitting one of those ‘milestone’ birthdays and is feeling a little… um… discontent, shall we say, about it. *smile* I don’t think she wants to be ‘old’, even though she looks twenty years younger than her actual age and only acts about a quarter of it. However, I wouldn’t change a thing about her! I love her dearly, I respect her more than she’ll ever know, and she’s someone that I always look up to and compare myself to.
I decided that I wanted to get her something really nice for her birthday and I found something that I think is perfect. It’s a sapphire ring set in white gold with little diamonds scattered around the sapphire. If I knew where my camera was, I’d take a picture. The reason it’s perfect is because sapphire is her birth stone, she works for Penn State and is bit of a PSU aficionado… so the ring is essentially blue and white. Penn State is also her alma mater AND she makes the Nittany Lion mascot costume. Like I said, it’s kind of perfect.
The other day I decided that I wanted to bless the ring and do a little ritual that would help to bring to my mom some things that she wants and a few other things that I think she needs. Tonight I did the impromptu ritual, something that is very very rare for me. Normally I plan everything to death and then I plan a little more. I didn’t write a thing, just spoke from my heart and let whatever happen, happen. I always do well with candle magic, so I pulled out a little dark blue candle (sapphire colored!) and anointed it with benzoin oil. I chose that oil because it’s supposed to ensure success and I really want this ring to hold this blessing and deliver it to my mom. (I just now did some poking online and it seems it’s good for prosperity as well! Yay for fortuitousness! Part of this was to help bring her prosperity!) I lit a little white sage leaf, courtesy of Castiel who yanked the bag out of the closet the other day and placed it in front of my altar, and smudged the ring and the candle.
When I cast Circle, I invoked my normal patrons and I also called upon Cernunnos and Cerridwen. Not two deities I normally work with, but I recently joined the Sacred Mists and those are the Traditions patrons. I felt it was only right to include them, and I even said even though I don’t know them well, they are the patrons of my Trad so they are a part of me. I asked that the Goddesses give my mother prosperity, health, love, and grace; and the boys I asked to grant her strength, joy, prosperity, and good luck. When I lit the blue candle I asked that as it burned down it transfer the power of the flame into the ring that it might carry all that I had imbued it with, that it would grant all that was beneficial to my mother as she needed, whether she wore the ring or not.
The whole thing took maybe twenty minutes, maybe a little less. Then I opened Circle and now I’m letting the candle burn out. The ring is sitting in front of the candle, the stones are twinkling merrily from the flame. I feel really good about the whole thing and I’m please that I can do this for my mom. Even if the ring is just a ring, she’ll look at it and know that I’m thinking about her and that I love her.
Happy birthday, mama!
Originally published at
Wandering Faith. Please leave any
comments there.