
Dec 08, 2006 20:03

OMG!!! I have a mean streak! I gues we all do but hell, I thought I had banished mine after meeting some nasties earlier this year!

A while back, I came acros a website called GAFF(God Awful Fanfiction). I think there are also some similar groups here. The point of them seems to be to point out flaws in peoples writing. Now, some of the stories there are a laugh. They vary from rediculous to absolutely absurd. And I enjoyed reading them for that reason; to laugh and shake my head.

But then I started thinking about it more. What if one of mine was up there? What if my writing blows butt? Would I want somebody to comment on my writing and point out the flaws to me directly, in a decent way? So that I could choose to look for talent elsewhere or fix the problems?

Yeah, kinda. I try to edit as much as I can, both my own stuf and other peoples writing. I try to point out what I think works and what doesn't and why.

A lot of people post their stuf out here on the web. Some do it for a laugh, some are very serious about it. A lot of them would probably like to be treated with respect.

So after having said all that, will I still visit GAFF? Yes...I too have a tendency to bend the laws of nature, time and space to vent my ideas, thoughts and alike. Places like GAFF remind me to read my own work with one finger on the delete botton and also...

it reminds me to read other peoples work and edit, comment, support and praise where it is due.

If anybody knows a fiction/fanfiction community at livejournal, please let me know!

Love Isis

fanfiction, bad writing

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