These writers and their stories are listed in random order. They range from PG 13 to NC-17. Most have Damon as a central character, but note that the authors also might have fiction with other characters to offer! If you like what you read, drop the writer a quick note. Or a long one.
So Darkness I Became Pairing/characters: Katherine/Damon
Rating: PG
Warning and disclaimer: TVD is owned by LJ Smith and the CW and also Julie Plec and Kevin Williamson are pretty big deals. I am merely an Accounting major with a part-time minimum wage job. I assure you, none of this is mine.
Why do I rec this?
Very rarely do authors deal with the choice that Katherine made early on; to go after both of the Salvatore brothers. Was she playing a game? Was she really willing to increase the risk of being found out and killed for playing? If Stefan is the one she wanted, what did Damon mean to her?
No masterlis for this author(yet).
The greater goodPairing/characters: Damon/Elena
Rating: PG
Warning and disclaimer: At the authors LJ
Why do I rec this?
In 100 words this story managed to stop me in my tracks. Damon would do ANYTHING for Elena. It is in character, Damon doesn't need to be seen as the white knight.
Some more drabbles that caught my eye.
The bait When darkness comes And found Masterlist for this author ellensmitheeTitle:
PrettyPairing/characters: Damom/Katherine
Rating: R
Warning and disclaimer: at the authors LJ
Why do I rec this?
The relationship between Damon and Katherine is the most fascinating on the show. His feelings were real, deep, raw and obsessive. But what about Katherine? This author knows how to choose words that sometimes hit like pinpricks. They make you feel like you're looking into the characters head. Like it or not...
Also check out
Rules of compulsion. This might just be the first Jenna/Stefan I've ever seen. And it has evil!Stefan. What more can a girl ask for?
Masterlist for the author!>
Title: Sinking
Pairing/characters: Damon/ Elena
Rating: PG- 13
Warning and disclaimer: at authors journal
Why do I rec this?
The author made Elena the risk taker, the bold one. And even though we know Elena can be really brave, how brave would she be in a relationship with a man like Damon? Her Damon is the careful one, afraid to hurt Elena. The light start of her story is a nice contrast to all the heavier things that are at play between these two characters.
SinkingMasterlist for the author turnonmyheelsTitle: The Fine Art of Poisoning
Rating: NC-17
Pairings/Characters: Damon/Katherine, Stefan/Katherine, Damon/Stefan, Damon/Katherine/Stefan
Warning and disclaimer: at authors journal
Why do I rec this?
First of all, this story made me wonder if I had to guts to come right out and admit that I read NC-17 (my name is Isis and I read porny porn porn). This story NEEDS to be recced here. Regardless of me being nervous about coming out of the closet. Yes, I liked the writing that much. Some of the subjects will not be to everybody’s taste, but that is why warnings were invented!
Sexytimes, many many sexytimes. But also a look at the history that Damon has, something that I miss in the show. This young guy was in a war. Where people died, and he had to kill. Stefan in the meantime, got to stay home and play with Katherine. Her Damon and Stefan both are intriguing, her Katherine is devious, very deliciously devious. The writing is clear, without apology or pretence.
The Fine Art Of PoisoningThe
Masterlist for this author.
lit_chick08Title: Nothing I do better than Revenge
Rating: NC -17
Characters: Katherine/Klaus/Trevor
Warning and disclaimer: author’s journal
Why do I rec this?
This ficlet caught me off guard. I prompted I’ll cut your little heart out cause you made me cry and had no clue what to expect. The author thought of Katherine right away. She filled in some blanks, added some things and voila! Katherine loved Klaus, Klaus loved himself, Trevor loved Katherine. The last two lines of this ficlet are a look into what Katherine does in the world. Destruction.
Nothing I do better than Revenge Title:The crux
Characters/pairing: Elena/Stefan/Damon
Warning and disclaimer: author’s journal
Why do I rec this?
Why choose when you think you can have it all?! And if they are all happy with it… I love the fact that the brothers are at the center. It is that simple. Whatever happens with Elena, they will always be tied together.
The crux Masterlist skysamuelleTitle: Delirium
Rating: NC-17
Characters: Damon/Bonnie
Warning and disclaimer: author’s journal
Why do I rec this?
I’ve never really given much consideration to these two characters together, but this story somehow seemed to fit. Bonnie being drawn in by Damon, giving in but still feeling like she’s making the wrong choices…
DeliriumMasterlist ellensmitheeCame across this little jewel while I was supposed to be working and had to keep reading. Go check out the story that grabbed me. Ellensmithee gave her story the rating R and the warnings non-con, compulsion, dark!fic. It is centred around Damon and Elena, but also has Stefan in the mix.
Lost highwaymasterlist! penumbraThis story around Katherine and Damon… what can I say. All the different sides of Katherine, and all the ways Damon reacts to her are right there. I felt sympathy for Katherine while reading this, which might be a first. Wrote ouch in the sideline about 6 times. Both there characters have a side that makes you want to punch them and a side that makes you feel like they are built up of pain. Which is why I loved this so much. Rated pg-13, go read the story !
Unfurl inyourembracexPrinted it out because I HAD to read it and then lost it in the Bermuda Triangle that is my handbag… But it dug its way out! This story weaves the past and the present together in a way that makes you feel you’re in the characters mixed up head. Clear sentences mixed with poetry. Damon centred, but has Katherine, Stefan and Elena. The rating is PG-13, but work safe? If having tears in your eyes is safe, then yes.
As long as the wrong feels right cassiehayesSince my latest fic rec she has added all sorts of wonderfull stories, long and short. Different characters, including Jeremy and Vicky!
Masterlist for cassiehayes My special rec is
Even the beautiful lose control. 6 Chapters are posted so far. Caroline centered and a terrific read.
simply-alyNew author for my LJ rec! Lots of characters to choose from so there is bound to be something there for everybody! Looking at the masterlist there is also LOTS of Tyler for the wolf-lovers ;)
Masterlist for simply-alyCaroline/Damon, PG
While she sleeps coquilleon Damon centered. The story isn't finished, so who knows where it will end... But the authors summary says; Damon is sick and tired of Mystic Falls and all it entails. So he leaves to participate in some... introspection. Damon/OC, Damon/Elena
SilversunMasterlist for coquilleon cassiehayesThe first story I read from this writer was the one I link to below. Damon’s relationship with Caroline is one of the most difficult ones to watch. This writer handled it with respect for the character of Caroline. Long, jumpy sentences make you SEE and FEEL like you are in Caroline’s head. Since that first story she has branched out into writing for many other characters with the same love and respect she has for Caroline.
Masterlist for this author’s fiction
My special rec is
Your innocence is mine waltzmatildahThis author uses words and sentences to built stories that read like poetry. Her first story is Damon centred and touches on his relationship with Elena in a way you would not expect. But, she has also written for other characters. The special rec I list is one of her newest and will make you hold your breath…
Masterlist Special rec is
Now shall I sleep in a bed of blood daydreamblvr6What ever you’re looking for, longer stories or drabbles, this is your place to go. This writer mainly has Damon as a central character. She manages to hit on all the points in his personality; dark, dramatic, snarky humour and a side of gut wrenching pain. I dare you to choose which story is going to be your favourite.
Lucky for us she has a
My special rec is
Coldhearted whores come in Pairs michellemtsuMichellemtsu writes mainly Damon and Elena based stories (but…I’ve spotted some True Blood as well…) Look through her stories for more of the goodness!
The story I am specially recommending is chapter one of a series this writer is working on. If you read chapter one, you will want to add her to your to-read-list. Do not say I didn’t warn you!
MasterlistSpecial rec
These hard times abvjAbvj writes for a lot of different shows. But, I noticed some of her TVD stories and got hooked. The story I’m specially recommending gives a look into Damon’s head of how he thinks about Elena. It mixes the beautiful with the longing he has for her.
Masterlist Special rec