Prompt for waterday!

Mar 22, 2011 19:15

In honor of waterday, I thought we'd have a watery prompt today! With drinkable water becoming rare, while in other places watertables will rise, water is a source for concern. A big concern. To read more about waterday, go to official waterday website.

But...water gives us all life. And fun. Including TVD fun. Think about it. There are (to name but a few);
- Damon's shower scene
- Kat having herself a little clean after getting out of the tomb
- Bonnie using a bowl of water to channel the element for her powers

And more. Think about water today. About how to conserve it, keep the water clean and...feed your muse some...

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- all characters, all ratings, all genres are more than welcome
- please give your work a rating and any warnings you feel apply so people know what they are clicking to
- any graphics that are not safe for work or school under a cut so there is no accidental weirdness
- you can link to your journal or post here, whatever you like
- feel free to promote!
- Any questions or concerns, poke the mod!

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Water is a big source for concern all over the world, in all different ways. But...water gives us all life. And fun. Including TVD fun. Think about it. There are (to name but a few);
- Damon's shower scene
- Kat having herself a little clean after getting out of the tomb
- Bonnie using a bowl of water to channel the element for her powers

Is your muse perking up? Click the banner and start writing!

vampire diaries, prompt, tvd_ficprompt

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