Stress free holidays

Dec 24, 2014 21:18

I hope you are having them!

Aparently I relaxed, because I'm feeling sick LOL. Every damn time I let go even a little, BOOP. Flu like things start to happen. Oh well. Lucky for me, I'm also hella hormonal. So I'm feeling guilty and sobby about everything, including feeling that way in the first place. Jikes.

What gets me is that NOW I can identify where all the emotional crap is coming from. That they are not feelings I should do something about or with. I'm not a bad person or completely useless just because I happen to feel that way right now.

But I also know that I used to think that way. And other people are probably having those feelings right now. And being told christmas is the time for good cheer is not helping them at all.

So to those people. There are others out there that would help you when they figure out you need help. And this month will be over at some point.


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