Poem on writing (or not writing)

Sep 20, 2011 13:24

Posted by poppyromanov in greatpoets

"Writing Time"

I stop writing
to make a cup of coffee
to read the mail
to put a load of wash in
to play a game of solitaire
to water the African violet
to straighten out the piles on my desk
to pluck my eyebrows
to call my mother
to shorten a pair of slacks
to pay a bill
to look for a lost phone number
to check my email
to get another CD to play
to file my nails
to scan a picture of my cousin
to make lunch
to watch the news
to read a magazine
to put the wash in the dryer
to make a cup of tea
to take a nap
to put the laundry away
to shut off the computer
and wonder where
I will find time
to write great things.

(a poem by Jane Schneeloch, found in Pat Schneider's Writing Alone and With Others.)

writer's block, writing

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