Household tips for the lazy #2

Jul 24, 2011 15:19

My first tip was about vacuum cleaning. I hate it, it scares the crap out of my cat and it makes her sneeze. So, to avoid having to vacuum in places like under my bed, I open up a view windows when it's a bit windy outside. All the dustbunnies end up huddled in the corner of the room, where you can pick them up. Voila.

Second tip, just discovered. My place is a mess. It's not icky or smelly, just a big ol' mess. Stuff everywhere. I know everything has its own place, it's just that none of it is in it. The sollution to this? Take off your glasses. Tada! Mess no longer visible and peace reighns.

Have some shirtless Damon. After you put your glasses back on. There you go.

Random question, TVD related; is your body ready for S3?

vampire diaries, life

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