Sometimes, I really dig Second Life!

Nov 22, 2006 07:40

SL is such a stress free way to unwind. It's soothing. If I could just find a group of people ingame to sit around in one of the gorgeous spots I've found and chat with me, it'd be perfect. Conversely, if all the popular places weren't strip clubs and casinos or horribly laggy. Casinos and strip clubs are so not my scene. Even in my second life, they aren't my scene.

Yesterday I decided it was a good day for a makeover for my character. They make these very acurate, very realistic skins that give the face (and other areas that I don't care to show off. *ahem*!) more detail and better coloring, but I hadn't gotten around to browsing them and buying one. I'd also found myself wanting a new hairstyle or two lately, for different occasions. And of course, hair shopping means clothing shopping too.....although I did manage to avoid more shoes, because I like these ones. Man, shopping in SL just rocks!!! I can't shop IRL, and even if I could, it's not as easy as popping into a beauty salon, trying on every style of cut to find the one that looks fantastic on me, and then choosing a few colors of it and just popping one on. But I can do all of that in SL. Sooo much fun. :o)

Don't even ask how much I spent yesterday.

So here's my makeover pics:

Full Body

That's one of my new outfits. Yes, black is my signature color ingame....most of the time I let my hair and my eyes be the color. Although I do have a wicked cool full length gown that looks like it's made out of leaves in shades of blue and gree. Gorgeous. And no, you don't have to diet in SL for that figure. You don't even have to eat in SL. HUZZAH! She doesn't look that thin anymore, tho...the waist was freaking me out, so I bulked her up a bit. It's the damned charm bracelet...if I have her as thick as I like her, the charm bracelet won't show properly. Some would say, "Ditch the charm bracelet". To them I say, "Pish!!"

Face Close Up

I'm so much happier with the new skin. I liked what I had done with the sliders, and I think for sliders I had a decent face, but it looks so much cooler with proper makeup on. The makeup colors are neutral, too, so I can wear them with anything and not need a new makeup. Which is nice.

And finally...this one is pre-make over, but it was so gorgeous I had to share.

Sunset in the Garden of Healing

Those golden orbs were gently floating all over the place, like little fairies...they'd disappear, then reappear, float around, was gorgeous. I didn't mean to get them all lined up like that, it just happened that way. I was having a lot of packet loss, so I was luck to capture more than one. But isn't that pretty?

And that's all from me until my Thanksgiving post. :o) Love y'all!


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