Judged on Looks Alone

Sep 19, 1993 11:01

(I believe this was another English Assignment turned memoir. When I realize I was feeling vulnerable enough to share these intimate thoughts with a teacher, for a grade, I am heartbroken. What attention was I looking for? Did I find it?)

I think being judgemental of peoples looks is wrong.

A long time ago, there was a little girl who was perfectly friendly and normal inside, but her clothes and appearance were ugly on the outside.

Her hair had had to be cut like a boy's because she had experimented with scissors, and was a little greasy sometimes because she was too busy playing to know it was time to take a bath, and there was no one around to tell her. She got her clothes from various charities, because her mother was supporting four children alone without a college education. Her mother held three minimum wage jobs, and though barely, did manage to keep all four children dressed, fed and mostly clean. Betsy was a happy, healthy little girl.

But the kids at school didn't think she was healthy. They always balmed all of their bad behavior and mischief on her. They didn't let her play with them, and when she tried, the called her "booger lady" and "Betsy Wetsy", and made fun of her. Sometimes they called her Billy because of her hair, and shoved her around the playground till she fell. They laughed when she got in trouble for crying. But most of the time, they just ignored her until she felt invisible - and that hurt, too.

The girls were especially mean. They had pretty clothes, lacy dresses, and mary jane shoes. Their hair was clean, shiny and soft, pulled into braids or pigtails and tied with ribbons, or twirled in bouncy curls that hung to their shoulders. Betsy was entranced with these beautiful girls - she wanted to be beautiful, too! She would love to have asked them how the did it. But she could hear them whispering about her, whenever she was around, "Why is she so dirty??", "Who cares, just stay away from her. She'll try to steal your hair riobbons. Besides, I heard she has cooties!!" The girls would giggle, and run away. On and on, day after day. Betsy began to believe what they said, and she began to hate herself, too.

Once upon a time, I was Betsy. Now, when I find myself judging someone, guilty echos of "Big Nose!!!" ring in my ears, haunting and taunting me from my past, asking what room I have to judge, what right I have to belittle.

You hurt people when you judge them. You don't know what circumstances there may be, or how hard their lives are. The old addage holds true - before you judge, walk a mile in my shoes.


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