Dec 17, 1997 22:00
I wish it were me.
I watch you, walking about....your smile breaking slowly, teasing me like you always do. I hear your words, and wish on the evening star shining above me that they were sincere.
When we are together, I feel the personalities click. You bring a flush stain to my cheeks, not so much because of what you say, but because in every inch of my flesh I feel myself responding as tho to me, you mean every word. Your effervescant personality, your youthful zeal, your constantly playful attitude - what would I do if the eyes that occasionaly watch me, sweep over me like a brush fire, were true in their regard; if they
burned with a wish as fervant as my own?
I wish it were me...and I know it is not. So I play the only game I can play - I play cupid. I gather your words and thoughts, conveying their meaning to lil Eve's ears....
hear it all from the inside, passing it on in loving, dulcet tones of fervent longing; and all the time cupid contemplates, dreams, of how it would be to be the hunted, instead of
assisting you in the catch.
I wish her note were mine.
My words that affected you, my actions that repeated themselves like lyrics dancing through your mind. Me that made your body ache with longing, your heart take flight with the contemplation of possibility, my smile that rocked you to the core.
But it isn't me. Sometimes, I fondly wonder if ANYONE even lil Eve, stirs you. I will never know, which I tell myself is after all, for the best. So I will play the fool, assist you to capture the one who tickles your curiosity this hour - and all the time, I wish it were me.