A two-faced kitten was found in a neighborhood right close to my house, and is now missing from it's home. Film at 11.
"Kentucky Fried Movie" fans will get that.)
2) I am not feeling well. And this is surprising because....oh, well, no, actually. It's not so much.
Never mind.
3) I have to make about two billion buckeyes tonight for the second
Heart Walk fundraising sale The Happy Hearts of Hem/Onc are having on Friday. If you've never had a Buckeye...I am so sorry for the fruitless existence you have lived. Your parents should be thrown in jail for denying you such necessities. Kindly go
here, buy the ingredients, and whip yourself some up. Remember to leave a circle at the top about the size of a dime that's not chocolate coated! Buckeyes are mighty tasty, and a damned near irresistable treat here in Ohio. Which is why we have raised an unseemly amount of money just on preorders.
And also why you're all hearing the sounds of arteries hardening in the midwest.
4) Tomorrow night, I get to sit for four hours reviewing how nine topics applied to each of the 13 or so readings we have had for this six-week Humanities course with one of my group members. The results of which SHOULD BE a 25 page paper, but it's not going to be a damned arguement essay, so if that's what Prof is looking for, she's going to be sorely disappointed.
If I haven't killed anyone by the end of that exercise, it'll be an act of God. Call your insurance companies.
5) Today I remembered how I met
razorshine, and it made me feel very nostalgic and warm and fuzzy and happy. Anyone here remember when not only did you pay a monthly premium for your online service, but you also paid a fee per minute or hour or something of usage? And if it was a long distance node you dialed into, long distance charges too??? Ok, well I don't remember any of that actually, because I worked for CompuServe and it was free. But I remember people being stunned by the amount of time I was able to spend on-line. LOL!
Come to think of it...people probably still are.
6) I hate editing and sending letters. No, really. NO, really. It's not rocket science. It's not brain surgery. It's not even remotely difficult. It is also a very solitary, reptitive, boring task, which is probably why I hate it.
And why there is so much of it to be done, sitting on my desk.
7) I really like
Second Life. No, I still haven't found a point to it yet. I know I'd like it more if more of my friends were there. (Not so subtle hint? Yes.) But I get to go shopping, have curly red hair and elf ears, and be sexy....which is, in reality, about all I require to be achieving full satisfaction. And I've also found some intelligent people to hang out with, so I can sit and stare at the beautiful 3-D scenery, doing nothing except be part of it, and talk to people all night long. I enjoy that.
I think if I can avoid the urge to become a pixelated stripper, things will be fine.
8) I *must* clean my fish's little aquarium today. I don't know how it can have gotten so dirty so quickly, because I just recently cleaned it out and it's usually good for a few weeks. Probably because someone fed him for me while I was out sick, and they feed him too much food which is INCREDIBLY annoying. Now poor Sid is looking a bit green around the gills.
That's probably just the effect of seeing him through the algea, tho.
9) And finally...I had lovely, exciting, un-journal-able dreams last night. Yummy!! I hope the trend continues.
Ok, ok - I'm GOING!!!!!!!!! Yes, I am aware the letters are not going to type, print, copy and mail themselves....jeez!!!!!