There must have been one specific word in a post somewhere, catching in the hospitals' filters. I know the female "singer" who's NAME SHALL NOT BE MENTIONED but who drives with her baby in her lap is blocked by the hospital, so who knows what it was.
Anyway! Nothing real exciting going on here...I work all day,I work at night. Fun fun fun, all the time. ;o)
On Wednesday, we went and spoke with a financial advisor so we can prepare our credit for finally buying the house, and that went very well.
Yesterday, had a lot of discussion on
PFB in support of the
GLBT community (that was cool, although I'm not sure how it got to that from a post about Amazon selling pronography!), and we made black bean chili, which always rocks.
Today's highlight lies in the fact that I get to wear jeans to work. ;o)
Tomorrow = strawberry picking, eating and cooking. Can't wait for that,'s always exhausting, but it's so satisfying to look up and see those beautiful, sparkly jars of jam and know that I made that. And also, tomorrow is
Knit in Public Day, so I may have to take my prayer shawl with me to the strawberry fields!
As a complete shock to me, I was invited to be a speaker in a THIRD "Planet Feedback Week in Review"! I'll admit it, I enjoy doing them, so I'm loving being asked every week - it means a lot to me! :oD Maybe it's stupid, but I don't care. I like it.
Anyway, you can hear us by clicking
here. This week we discussed cell phone contracts, fitness center contracts, and what to expect from free services like Gmail. I also explained to
Mr. Helpful that there is no dispersal of the strength of an LJ only gets stronger with age, like a fine wine. Mr. Helpful is bitter - he likes "blogs", and the other day, when doing a Google Trend search, I discovered how much more popular LJ is to blogspot or typepad. He hasn't gotten over it yet. ;o)
And that's all for me - I need to hop into the shower and get ready for work (*whimper*). Love y'all!