Yesterday was the first meeting of my
Boot Camp Crew, Christy, Tammy and myself. Our topic for discussion was 'Excuses', and while we hit on a myriad of other topics, we kept coming back to that one. It was interesting to me that excuses are like a spider web...when you use one, and someone comes up for a logical reason why it's not an excuse, you just skip on down the line to another one. Very circular. Anyway, since it was my week to lead discussion, I printed off an article about over coming excuses and one about reinventing your own self-image. I also printed off some of Oprah's encouragement stuff from her website. I put it all in a yellow folder with some notebook paper in the middle I figured we could use for notes or journaling or whatever, and gave one yellow folder to each person. Tammy brought her stamping stuff, and we decorated the folders. I really like mine - it's very sunny!! :o)
Afterwards, we worked out to "Richard Simmons Latin Blast Off", which was so funny!! It was like a Richard Simmons was Richard's "Look Mommy...I'm not gay!!" video. Too bad it was a dancer in leather pants' "Look Mommy...I am gay!!" video at the same time. We had a blast just laughing along, and as much fun as we made of it, I really am feeling it today. Thankfully today's a no-workout day, so I can let my poor muscles heal.
I guess that's all I wanted to y'all!