*sigh happily*

Aug 29, 2004 06:53

Our big family event is over.

Friday Night - Was stressful. Eventually Chris sent me upstairs to wrap presents with a cool drink, and he put the kids to bed. Then he came into our room, stood staring at me for a minute, and then handed me......a letter from eschroder!!! I was so excited! This was the best thing he could have given me, and I sat on my bed in a pile of Strawberry Shortcake wrapping paper grinning and reading and picturing Elle waiting for the bus with a million and one thoughts in her head. I love Elle's letters. They're always so personal and delightful and they just always seem to come at a time when I could use a reminder of friends who care about me. Then I wrapped gifts and went to bed.

Saturday - Everything went off without a hitch. Mom came, Tammy, Abby and Jake came, eventually Kevin and little Matt came, Chris's sister, her "ward" Jamie and her son big Matt (with a green mohawk!!!) came. Chris's step-mother, Dad and Aunt Mar came. Christy and Jim came. Everyone mingled. Presents were opened. Laughs were shared. Food was grilled and dispensed. Sugar was liberally passed from one child to another. Chris's brand new Trivial Pursuit was opened *groans* and Christy and I watched a movie (League of Extraordinary Gentlemen *groans louder*). There was a giant storm that was very cool to watch. Children were reluctantly put to bed, guests wandered off, and we went to bed, happily remembering faces and laughter and family. Which was the perfect end to a wonderful party.

The girls got a million presents - Barbie's, dress up clothes, a china tea set, a marionette, a ribbon dancing thing, Strawberry Shortcake's, horses...a million more things than any two girls needed. My favorite present was the jewlery box Chris picked out for Cat. Catherine always says she's going to be a dolphin doctor when she grows up. Chris got her a pearlescent blue jewlery box with an stylistic picture of dolphins on the top, and inside instead of a ballerina, there's a little blue whale twirling in place to "The Blue Danube Waltz" in front of a mirror. It was beautiful, and so perfect for her. *I* almost cried when I saw it. She was too distracted (and too young! LOL!!) to realize the full implications of a big, gruff man like her step-dad having the sensitivity and depth of feeling to have picked something like that for her. Someday.

Anyway - love y'all!

birthday, kids, family, chris, fishsticks

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