Life sux for my mum.

Nov 09, 2005 08:29

My mum recently went in to have a cataract removed from her eye.

She really only has one patcially usable eye as is, due to the diabetes causing a big build up of un-removable fluid in the other eye. It means she feels like she is constantly looking through water, and really cant see very much.
So it was important they removed the cataract from her other eye.

This has now left the other eye blurred. It seems the operation has caused fluid to start building in THAT eye now.
She had steroid injections to try and disperse the fluid, only it did not work.
Today she has to go in for an injection directly into the eye in a completely germ free environment as a last ditch hope that it may fix it.

Not a pleasant experience, and the odds of it working are slim.

She goes through so damned much every year, living in constant pain and things going wrong, operations galore and it's so damned unfair.

If she goes blind I don't know what I'll do. The thought of my mum not seeing me get married or see liam grow up, just the idea of her living in darkness petrifies me.

She has gone without her whole life, had little, done SO much for SO many and is rewarded like this. Life is so fucking unfair.

Gonna cry if I dont stop typing this entry now, cant do that in work.
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